Like the Christmas setting, like the red hood story concept. Pretty much everything about this game feels like a slight step down but some of the detective gameplay was interesting. Still a fun game!

It's cool that they used the voice actors from the movie for this. Not much else to speak on here. Love the movie, though.


Nothing about the gameplay is too remarkable at face value, but the world and atmosphere Playdead created here was both scary and oddly beautiful. They know how to develop tension.

Solid story and great noir atmosphere. This got me into the comics and I'm fascinated by the Willingham's fairytale world.

Adds a mining mechanic and maybe a few other little things, but basically runs the same as LOTR, but this time it's only 2 of the 3 Hobbit movies. They never adapted the last movie into a game.

Mostly fine as a hack-and-slash for most of it, if a bit mediocre besides Deadpool's obnoxious antics, but then the final boss came and I think I might have spent more than an hour on that. Very annoying. I don't know if I'm just bad at video games or if that boss is dumb, but my experience significantly soured at the end.

Story wasn't bad, but clearly missing the character dynamic and emotional stakes of the first.

The somewhat awkward dual joystick controls are effective toward its emotional ends. I also like that the story's pretty much all non-verbal, and the adventure treks across a lot of different fun areas to explore.

Like GTA but more game, and less real world. It's got a fun irreverence to it.

Like Assassin's Creed but LOTR, which comes with a decent result. The Nemesis system is a fun addition. Gives some structure to the endless murdering.

A really thrilling shooter most of the time. Its main character spouts off a lot of poetic anti-war jumble in-between bouts of large murder parties.

Takes the moderate silliness of the third and amplifies it here, which is good. Why adhere to the GTA format and pale in comparison when you can go to space and then fly around?

This is a very solid detective game with good deductive reasoning and interesting mysteries.

Couldn't play Witcher 1 at all but this one worked a lot better for me. The story's pretty interesting too! I liked the characters and the quests. The gameplay is fine if a little old.

It's more Saints Row 4 but in Hell, so mildly funny as a DLC.