Cavanaugh's soundtrack is good. Gameplay is decent. Short game, but fun for what it is. Not as fun for me as Super Hexagon.

Great soundtrack, nice story. Gameplay is pretty whatever at this point in Telltale's production timeline.

It looks amazing, and yes it's got a lot of QTEs, but as long as it feels good and not too repetitive. This is a little repetitive but mostly enjoyable given it's not too long of a game.

It looks great, but it's more of the same at this point. That's fine by me, but the series has run its course I feel. The Batmobile isn't enough of an added mechanic to really change it up.

Gameplay and graphics improved from 2, and the open world serves the exploration of questlines (the series' best feature) well. A really good story here.

It's got some great moments, but it's saggier and less visually compelling. The pacing is wonky, with some chapters more exciting or longer/shorter than others. Definitely could've been shorter to me, but it has a rewarding ending. And despite the boring setting the animation and textures look fantastic!

Really seems to enjoy the spirit of the comic book universe it honors. LEGO's giant character list suits the Marvel backlog, with many characters with lots of different powers. It's got a pleasant story and with each superhero mechanic, the game plays a little bit different than previous LEGO games (though generally the same).

Sort of a PS4 demo, but a demo that plays really well and has a good aesthetic / music to boot. More games should take advantage of the platform they're on and experiment with different gameplay styles.

The game looks really good, and the cover-based shooting is a welcome addition, but I would've been fine to wait for LEGO Star Wars 2 where it collects movies 7-9.

Very well done stealth. The story's serviceable, but the gameplay and platforming is very polished.

After Witcher 3 and Batman and every other open world action-adventure of the past 10 or so years, this is barely anything new. Except for its mechanical dinos. The gameplay feels very good--the UI of the buttons and menu all felt very well organized to me. The world is interesting, but the story to develop it is lackluster. The characters are wooden, and Aloy's performance is especially repetitive and unengaging. It isn't really worth 20 hours of your time if you've played other games like it, but it's definitely fun in minute-to-minute dino fights.

I enjoyed the first, and this is more of that, but even more stale after years have passed and Naughty Dog et. al continue to improve on the stuff being aped here.

This is a big shift into RFG/Souls/BOTW style gameplay, which is much appreciated after the franchise started to lack innovation. This also has some snappier gameplay with respect to its Souls-like bosses, climbing-everywhere, and bow and arrow equipment. The story is serviceable, but most of these AC stories by now are getting pretty rough. The dialogue is rarely good. I was super into camp-raiding at the time, which is like the bane of game creativity right now, but it satisfied an itch. I played over 50 hours for that stuff.

The game that reminded me "hey, wasn't Super Mario 64 pretty good?" Very cute, very polished platforming, and creative worlds. Would very much like to see a sequel!