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pex commented on pex's review of Max Payne 3

12 days ago

pex completed Max Payne 3
oh cool, paid fan fiction, my favorite.

longer than it should, crispier than it should, with none of the charm the old ones had, but still fun as hell.
let me get it out of my chest, you come to brazil and ask an old man for directions, he won't say ''sai daqui gringo safado'' he will invite you for a bowl of stew and tell you about 1975 when he was a truck driver and met a hot american babe that he couldn't marry because he was already married and had 3 kids with 3 different woman, this game is a very weird depiction of brazil but i know ''rule of cool'' type of writing when i see it, and that's the difference between remedy and rockstar, remedy tries to take inspiration from literature and make games outta it, rockstar watches a bunch of tarantino movies, whiff in some hard cocaine and then get to work onto making a game that has anything they think its cool, not gonna lie, its still pretty cool.

that said given how this game is built, i wouldn't advise trying to play the way you would with old max payne games, this is mostly a cover shooter that has that very annoying modern rockstar trait of taking control away from you.

one more thing, rockstar should be ashamed of making pirates have a better product than the ones they sell, if you have a faulty connection, the rockstar launcher won't even let you play the game, meanwhile pirates are enjoying a drm free version with all the DLC, custom made servers, and a copy which they can save in a pen drive or sd card and carry it anywhere they want, its disgusting.

13 days ago

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