since i knew about how difficult it is to get this game running, i made the decision to play the ps1 release while watching a playthrough of the english patched rpgmaker original version on youtube at the same time. yes it was a hassle, no i don't regret it.

palette is a great title, considered an rpgmaker classic in japan for good reason. it's still very unique even 20 years after its release. though it definitely has its jank, the puzzle gameplay is so unique that i never minded having to deal with it.

i loved the nonlinear delivery of its narrative, and how it deals with a topic i've rarely seen discussed at all (the trauma and stigma that come from being related to a famous criminal). and it's pretty neat to see a "person must overcome manifestations of their psychological issues to recover their memories" game that predates silent hill 2

i wish i could just recommend it to everyone, but i can't. if you can read japanese, play the ps1 version. if you can't.... well. i wouldn't necessarily recommend My method, but it's definitely a game worth seeking out, even if you have to settle for watching a playthrough

this is my favorite ffxiv expac (story-wise). and i mean that more as an insult to the rest of the game than as a compliment to stb, considering i still dislike like half of this thing.

anyways ivalice raids >>>

dominic is the first ever recorded case of straight baiting

i picked this up for the first time as a depressed suicidal teen who was on the verge of completely withdrawing socially. i wasn't exactly like neku, but regardless his arc (and the central point of the narrative) really resonated with me; made me realize that reaching out to other people is always something worth doing, even though it's hard, even though i'll hurt people and get hurt in return. the world ends with you, so expand your world.

this game didn't cure me or anything, but it definitely was a major turning point in my life, something that pushed me to keep going. and i hope that it'll find its way to other people who need to hear what it has to say

also it's just really well written and has a gorgeous ost and really unique stylish visuals and a combat system that never gets boring and great pacing and

this game has its obvious flaws, but that can't change the fact that the main cast's writing is so good that i physically start crying pretty much every time i think about them for more than 3 minutes because i get overwhelmed by how much i love them. also its combat is more fun than p3/4's, fight me about it

i don't usually use star ratings but considering this is no joke my favorite game (and we all know its reputation), i've gotta do my part to boost my girl's avg rating. i don't have time to write out a dissertation on why i love it rn, but rest assured that i have one in me

i've lost sleep over how good this game could be if it was an normal video game and not constrained by exploitative mobile gacha conventions. the story is genuinely compelling (qin yi and lilith in particular are Fascinating characters) and the clothing gorgeous. but alas, it is still a gacha game.

it's amazing to be able to play 50 hours of an rpg and still have no strong feelings about any of it. it wasn't a bad game but it sure as hell wasn't a good one either. an utterly forgettable experience.

it's extremely average and only has like one engaging character in the entire cast, but the plot was interesting enough for me to finish the game. sometimes i want to just spend an afternoon watching a neat little mystery unfold

my favorite zelda title. even though the train segments legitimately brought me to tears on multiple occasions

i remember using birthday money to buy this as a child (because i wanted a game and didn't see anything else i liked at the store) and regretted it almost immediately

better than persona 4 itself, im not joking