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pinklightswitch completed Bayonetta 3
where the fuck are the silly costumes why can’t I make bayonetta wear the dumbass cheerleader costume

8 days ago

pinklightswitch is now playing Bayonetta 3

8 days ago

pinklightswitch reviewed Lords of the Fallen: Game of the Year Edition
Hey I got to that part before the champion fight and the door was closed and I did some digging online and apparently you need to use a lever earlier in the level which I missed because the catacombs look samey and I knew it would be annoying to go through it, guess how I felt after trying to go through it for a level for an hour, you get three guesses.

if any of you have any tips on how to get to the Champion boss and I do beat it I am willing to beat the rest of the game but for now this review will be of the 6 hours i played

The combat is boring, everything takes forever to land for both types of attacks, everything feels slow like I was wading through honey the whole time, like jesus fucking christ if you think Dark Souls combat is boring because you use a shield and magic like a pussy then don’t play this game because raw dogging the combat with only a spear to your name wouldn’t make Lords of the Fallen’s move speed anywhere near acceptable.

The level design is fine it’s more in the vein of DS2 or Bloodborne where the areas are connected in some ways be the level is mostly self contained, checkpoints are semi frequent and while I don’t like this game having a multiplier that gives you more experience is a cool idea and balances the checkpoints being more frequent well.

The game looks fine, graphically it is a ps4 game definitely but some of the animations got that AA quality where I can tell they were going for something cool but it’s too floaty and amateurish to it to look anything other than kinda silly. The art design is very bland though and much like the combat it makes me appreciate the Dark Souls games much more seeing as its art design while being obviously medieval fantasy is still unique and has a personality.

Lastly the story, in comparison to Dark Souls this game has a more straightforward narrative but having a narrative that’s easy to follow doesn’t matter when all the characters are written to be the most forgettable humans to ever live. Much like the art design while it is competent the voice acting and character writing just feel so factory made at least from what I heard because the game glitched and made all the voices and music disappear until I closed the game and opened it back up which made the dialogue scenes worse but made the levels better now that I didn’t have overbearing music the whole time so it was a wash.

Overall I want to finish this game but I value my time so unless someone tells me how to get to the next boss fights my summary of this game is: Dark Souls for straight people (it’s shit)

8 days ago

8 days ago

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13 days ago

pinklightswitch earned the Replay '14 badge

13 days ago

pinklightswitch is now playing Bayonetta 2

13 days ago

13 days ago

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