i am a simple person. if there are boats and shanties and greek mythology, i will love it.

story was great and combat is faster than DAO. love the more contained setting and the direction it went but i wish the devs had more time to realize their original plans for it though. would've made it a 10/10

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solid entry but there were a lot of questionable decisions made and added like the collectibles side quests, etc. the word is ending im sure trying to find skulls all over the continent is the least of our concerns. overall okay. hope the next ones better

fun in a few parts. boring for most of it. repetitive

it's a must play i think we all know this

good way to play the originals. the first three games of a great franchise. drake's fortune is a game ive only played through once and i'd like for it to stay that way, uncharted 2 is the best out of the three imo, and 3 was a tad bit too long for my taste but still leagues better than 1

the fact chloe is the mc makes it 5 star alone. points knocked off for being so short. otherwise a flawless game. definitely one of my favorites in the uncharted series

a masterclass in storytelling

played since 2021 stopped during 22. still kept up to date with it though through friends and logged back in to play sporadically. really good from mondstadt to inazuma but something abt it made me lose interest after that. doesn't know what to do with it's characters. they have a line-up of characters they want to shine the spotlight on while others get shelved, ignored to collect dust. constantly place important stories and lore in time-specific events, lackluster side games and side quests, world quests that are way too long to be unvoiced. for a company that owns billions of dollars every year you would think they'd at least put effort to that, and other offenses i can't be bothered to mention