I honestly loved this game. It has a beautiful environment and easy to learn gameplay.
It’s a fairly simple game with puzzles and a neat storyline. i mean what’s better than playing as a cat?

Contains massive chonk kirby. My life is complete


One of my favorites. It’s so charming and I have a lot of great memories playing this as a kid. Also love the music so much, nintendo does a GREAT job with soundtracks :)
The movement is fun and takes to another level with gravity physics
The story in Rosalinas storybook always made me cry lol hit close to home
Nonetheless this game is special to me and is very beloved

I enjoyed this a lot, albeit having to ask my friend (terraria nerd) for advice a few times..

Haven’t played too much yet but it was really ahead of its time. Beautiful environment, awesome music, a nice open world. Not to mention some hilarious things you can do with the NPCs.

Didn’t think i would enjoy it as much as i did since I don’t really fancy point and click for movements, and thought i would get overwhelmed with the GUI’s
Quite the opposite actually, I really enjoyed playing and love the characters. I would be playing more if my laptop didn’t make it crash every 2 minutes and go at 10 fps :’)

This is one beautiful game. Music is beautiful, environment is also beautiful, and gameplay is fun.
You can also ride a moose :)

It’s a neat twist compared to previous titles but I can’t say i had as much fun as I did with New Leaf. A lot of it just feels like a chore. Will come back to it eventually though

Just a fun minigame type of game, nothing too special, i personally had fun

A new favourite of mine. The gamplay can be challenging at times but it’s so fun
the story has many twists and turns, aswell as wholesome moments.
Love the music aswell.
A very well made game imo

The best Mario Kart game in my opinion
There is a large variety of courses and characters to choose from, aswell as karts. A family favourite for sure

I feel like this one should’ve come first as it’s funny that this has more tutorials/advice than the first game
There’s really no storyline to this one and it’s more like an "expansion" to the first game
Love the music though

Good ol’ nostalgia. Haven’t played any of the other newer SMB so I can’t personally compare them but this one was pretty fun. I like trying to speedrun through the courses lol