36 Reviews liked by ppnballs

Big takeaway from this one: People don't realize you can run past enemies in JRPG's apparently.

Big takeaway from this one: I never wanna hear Kagami Kagami again.

Big takeaway from this one: No memes this time. Just an utter masterpiece, that made me revamp my entire scoring system. I will never forget this game.

Big takeaway from this one: Kodaka didn't need Danganronpa to be good all along :)

A Space for the Unbound is an incredible blend of Omori and Inception that creates a deep and thought-provoking experience. The game goes deeply into how loss, grief, despair, and self-acceptance affect people, and explores these issues in fascinating and varied ways. I was initially intrigued by the trailers and the idea of a love story entwined with an imminent apocalypse, but I wasn't expecting the complexity and shocks that would be waiting.

I won't go into detail because doing so would ruin the amazing conclusion. Suffice it to say, the culmination of the narrative hits the player with an emotional force like a train. By the end of the story, I found myself wholeheartedly invested in the journey of Atma and Raya, their struggles resonating deeply within me and ultimately leading to genuine tears and unabated sobbing.

Few games have been able to stir up such strong feelings in me. In reality, I can name only a few of works that have had such a big impact on me. A Space for the Unbound expertly combines ambient elements and narrative expertise, a combination that is evocative of games like Omori. Similar to Omori, this game masterfully creates an atmosphere throughout each of its dynamic environments, leaving a lasting impression on the player's mind. The background music readily infiltrates your mind; its melodies turn into earworms that won't go away.

ASFTU's production quality and length for its $20 price point also surprised me. This game radiates an artistic quality that goes beyond the bounds of simple enjoyment and manifests as a genuine work of art. The painstakingly created pixel art displays astounding detail, outstripping the graphic prowess of other pixel art games.

When you take into account that the development team only consisted of 12–14 people, it is even more incredible. The game's creative and committed creators deserve high appreciation for their incredible effort, which manifested a world of complex beauty and maintained consistently excellent writing throughout. The soundtrack is an additional noteworthy portion of the game that also bears some similarities to Omori. It's a cute, deep, and emotional soundtrack that compliments every scene it's apart of. There are even times in the game where completely vocalized songs embellish the experience, providing an auditory treat best appreciated with headphones. 

ASFTU is infused with heart, soul, and a profound connection to human emotions. It should be warned that there are traumatic moments to be experienced, making it inappropriate for individuals who are easily upset. The voyage through these experiences is rewarded, though, with an extraordinarily wonderful conclusion that will live on in my memory forever. ASFTU is a unique find that is overlooked and merits more exposure. I strongly beg anyone reading this review to play the game because it is one of the most moving stories I have ever read in a game.

I started hating this game. It felt unfair and impossible to get through...until you beat the first boss and realize that the first part of the game is substantially harder than the rest.

The weapon variety is nice but most of them don't hold a candle to both the Carbine and Hollowseeker which are far above the rest due to their fast DPS and perks such as Leech Rounds which border on broken.

Aside from that, this is a great game that I wish Playstation were publishing more of its kind. Fast pace, brutal gameplay with great enemy variety and a good implementation of a skill ceiling, despite the aforementioned unbalanced progression.