if i had a way to put into words every feeling and thought that I had while playing this game i would, but ima need some time for that. easily one of my new favorites of all time.

Edit Edit: Based on a comment from the writer themselves they are NOT actually in support of peterson and blah blah blah im not going to rewrite what they said here but its all good news hence the score is back and im back to shilling this game constantly lol

I've always been a massive sucker for the subset of games that are modern revivals of classic games. As a lover of games on older consoles, it's always really cool to see how developers decide to bring those types of games back to the modern day and how they improve on them while still keeping it recognizable as inspired by the games from years and years ago. I think out of all those games that I've played; this is the best one. Ninja Gaiden is already a game I did enjoy, and a game that has also not aged as badly (key word AS) as I think a lot of games from that era have, and the Messenger perfectly adds to the core gameplay style to make it feel in line with modern platformers. Even the minute addition of attacking while moving adds so much to the fluidity of the game, and that's not even including the myriad of new abilities that you're given that let you feel like the greatest ninja on the planet. Now take into account that the game is actually a metroid-vania, lets you time travel on the fly, makes use of all its mechanics to the absolute fullest possible in super creative ways, has a plethora of super memorable areas and especially bosses (the chase scene right before the final area is one of the best sequences in any game period), and is also the FUNNIEST game you'll ever play but knows when to be heartfelt, and you have a package that I think is pretty much unbeatable in its genre. I cannot wait to play the DLC and continue to replay this game over and over again until the end of time, it's truly something special.

first game of 2023! if it werent for the rewind feature i dont think i couldve beat the final boss why was it as hard as it was, the rest of the game was surprisingly fun though, mostly just a couple enemy types that were annoying as fuck + the way ryu controls is just nes jank at its best. would only recommend if you know what you're getting into

This game singlehandedly is making me question and lower my scores for every other pokemon game, it's that good

Just my annual VGDC interest meeting completion of VVVVVV lmao

The undebatable best mobile game. I'd honestly give the first game the same score but this one manages to be better in every way that it makes the other slightly worse only in retrospect.