it's like an ubisoft game with good atmosphere. it's not bad but it didn't compel me to beat it.

Pumpkins as big as your head! Cabbage as big as an airship

If the sole requirement for a good ARPG was interesting progression systems, this would probably be the best game in the genre. The skill system is cool, the crafting is the best in the genre and all of it provides enough depth without requiring a PHD. Everything else feels decidedly average though. The combat doesn't feel as good as similar games, the story is nonsense and the campaign is both unfinished (despite this being 1.0 and the game having a cosmetic store) and pretty by the numbers overall.

I am going to say the C word. (Clanker.)

It's bland, boring and wholly uninteresting. It's bootleg Chrono Trigger made by people who didn't know why Chrono Trigger is so loved to begin with. The game is technically sound but you can quite literally find more compelling JRPG's made in RPG Maker that cost zero dollars.

Fun, polished and well designed with no bullshit. Just a solid mix of classic Zelda, bullet hell and Metroidvania. I kinda wish the different dungeons had varied colored pallets and a minor problem that probably doesn't affect many but some of the final post game challenges chug hard on a steam deck.

kinda goes hard for no real reason.

kaito is a national treasure.
it's a fun dlc, a bit difficult to recommend at the price they sell it at normally, however.

This is a loving tribute to all of Final Fantasy as a franchise. The combination of the rhythm game and RPG light mechanics makes for a compelling experience. My one complaint is the DLC is maybe a bit expensive.

I'd only really recommend it in co-op, but it's a fun co-op experience even with all the jank and poorly designed bits. The shooting and combat mechanics are both top-notch and really carry the game.


Better than the original in almost every way. Sick pixel art instead of whatever 20xx had. More level variety, better end game, more interesting progression, better boss fights (though some of the last stage fight can get a bit psycho) There's a greater emphasis on meta-progression. (A lot of the systems in this regard feel like they were very heavily inspired by Hades.)

They put hell house in as a boss.
I like the combat, the music is great, and for the most part I think they did a good job at expanding the midgar stuff into it's own game outside of the few moments where the developers were very clearly trying to pad the playtime.

I don't understand some of the overwhelming praise I've read about this game. It's definitely not a bad game, (I liked it enough to get 100%, at least) but the level design and enemy variety leaves a lot to be desired overall. Boss fights are mostly great except for like one, and I like how the combat works. Art, music and atmosphere are all top notch as well.