the game has 58 endings and is an rpg action dating sim. the main point is that youre taking care of your daughter and trying to raise her to be her "perfect self" but you take technically raise her any way you want to. i really enjoyed/do enjoy this game and i know a lot of people dislike it because of its poor translation - if you actually like the game/are interested in it, the translation really doesn't matter. i can understand everything and even if something is misspelled or wrong, it's still easy to read. the creators took a hard time trying to translate this big ass game and i applaud them for it

such a completely breathtaking story that has transformed my idea of ai so simply. one of the most beautiful and transformational games yet - worth every cent. i am still utterly amazed after all these replays and years.

there are no words to express the grief one goes through when playing this. utterly worth it

beautiful graphics for a racing game. utterly wonderful controls to play around with

great game for its time. i have never been stranded on a island before and it was definitely fun being kidnapped right before the red sea

if i accidentally shatter the mirror one more time...

wonderful game that has changed my perception of thinking ever since ive played it. there is nothing like the utter beauty of this game and how it forces you to grieve

this is one of the best games you will ever play ever. i have never been so obsessed with an octopus before and i have still been obsessed ever since i played this game for the first time in 2019. total joy to play and have finished it so many times. great game to play if you want something calm and silly

a fine game that i have not stopped thinking about ever since i played it one time in 2019

i first started this game way back sometime in 2020-2021 with my xbox one, wherein i completed the game twice before abandoning it until 2023. i bought another version on my pc, and there forth i have finished this game so many times and gotten so many different endings that im literally the game now. if you want a game where you shoot people for no reason (or totally don't!) and where you can cheer lesbians on and also eat space rats and be a criminal and backstabbing son of a bitch - this is the game for you. absolute joy to play so many times and after all these years i am still not bored. well worth the money