changing my review bc we just got milkshake ducked.

insert another: "why is this here" comment

i found homestuck through a chain of events that started with one random deviantart journal about some animation vs up or something....back in 2010

i started reading it, gave up, and then tried again not long after and eventually was able to read as it updated

homestuck lead me to tumblr, which i will not say is good or bad, but if u wanna get technical and connect a bunch of random dots together with some string u could say homestuck is what lead to me getting a uh...thanks homestuck????

i lost interest really after the original ended so i havent bothered checking out the games or the sequel or whatever else has been put out and from what ive heard thats probably a good thing

i picked this up years ago and its one of my favorite obscure games, here's to the very specific and very small tumblr fandom this game had when it was new

friedel is my boy

all the chi games are boxing with the word sequel

do i think its perfect? no

but ive had so much fun playing it over and over
i have a problem and its called a charger addiction (its so fun to run the spire with it)

i will say i think OE has the better story and aesthetics but tbh....i think this is more fun gameplay wise
i still haven't even 100% finished OE
but im not gonna pit them against each other bc both have good and bad things about them

pearl drone save me
pearl drone
save me pearl drone

i love NiGHTS but when i picked this back up to play on steam after buying it a couple years ago....i got hit with motion sickness
which doesnt happen to me very often in games
i know theres a few methods around this, such as playing the classic mode and i think i even played in windowed

BUT THAT ASIDE i luv u NiGHTS, what good vibes

still need to fully finish it tho (twin seeds u know)

This review contains spoilers

i played both versions to completion* (ok i didnt finish the hard post game in the switch or 3ds version and i never got the elf job in the 3ds BUT) i love this game so MUCH
and the updated mii maker is so fun....ive recreated so many ocs in it even tho i only use so many of them in game

its funny but if ur like me will make you cry, listen ok...the dark curse's backstory got to me ok
tho if you make everything funny it will break that bit of emotion, or maybe you dont care in the first place

anyway go torment the unaware with the twerkey ok see u

logging and marking this as played even tho im not 100% sure i played
i think i started it and that was it maybe?
but i do kinda remember ppl on tumblr talking about it (when my dash wasnt all off and dangan ronpa...ah 2013...)

did i grab this bc its free on steam rn? yes
do i plan on using it? probably not but now i can look at it in my library

uh oh taxes due!

i have a soft spot for this goofy game bc i played a lot with family
specially when i realized my ps3 could play it

ive played a lot of mobile games that i literally do not remember playing until i find screenshots of it on my blog's archive....i really liked hodr apparently

imma be real i found this by chance on tumblr where ppl were going nuts about lesbians so i gave it a shot
didnt get too far and ended up skipping through the plot (its all propaganda anyway)

i played this for a lil bit (not a pun) years ago...even paid to get ads removed or whatever

it came back to my mind recently thanks to adding it to my list of games ive played....was going to try it again but then i heard it went very p2w that now i dont even know if its worth even checking our again

i know im one of many who hasnt even played this and probably wont...bc ive never played doom (heck i had only vaguely heard of house of leaves from old tumblr posts that would cross my path)

but youtube kept suggesting the video power pak made on it like im sure it has for a lot of others (and i had no idea who this was prior)

curiosity got to me and well...ive watched several videos on this over and over...

hey where did my door go?