FES remains the only way to really play what Persona 3 is as a video game but this is still fine. A far superior experience for new fans than Portable but said fans should set up an emulator to play FES (WITH NO MODS)

dude i'm so fucking mad they never brought this over to the states officially this is like a top 3 dragon quest and i'm still playing through the second expansion

Limbus Companys's statistics department sent me a report Danteh...
They say you didn't win a single coin flip danteeeeeeeeeehh...

been a while since a jrpg has pandered to me so specifically also Aurelia and Victor Arseid sex :thumbsup:

This game gave me like 8 new mental illnesses can't thank it enough

would have been better if they got to expand on literally any of the concepts and ideas they present in regards to Fodlan

Azure Moon the only worthwhile route as it focuses more into the characters which actually work instead of the continent that doesn't really fucking matter at all


I have more to say about this than words cans truly express actual masterpiece

much better than the question arcs but suffers from a really confusing ending and 2 chapters that really just kinda happen

would be better if they had a beat up whoever's talking button

literally every vn series should have something like this

the actually best one actually insane

will change my review when the gacha gives me what i want

i wish this game was good, sadly a lot of poor story and character writing, basic barebones battle system and not being any good just in general make it bad and cringe and fail and gay

this game took everything from me