Good. Covers were annoying. A bit easier than the later installments.

Great campaign. Online was not bad either.

This game sucks, but the music is 10/10.

Great fighting game. Great music.

Solid linear story. Great music. American version of the game was far too easy.

Incredibly fun. Online is a bit buggy and not the best. Campaign seemed to drag.

Story was poor, writing was poor, characters were terrible.

Online play was great, but campaign was a bit worse than RoC. Rexxar campaign was fire though.

Outstanding game. Great story and sidequests. A full range of emotions are experienced. One of those games where you enjoy equipping things in the menu for several minutes.

I only like this better than the second because it has the charm. Battle system is great. Castle building was enjoyable. Story is solid. One of those games where you enjoy equipping things in the menu for several minutes (hours).