I beat this game on hardware taking turns with my roommate. If I didn't, this would probably lose a star and a half. It ALREADY lost half a star for apparently having a gravity flip button combo that it never told us about.

The final boss feels like it absolutely could've been in a real 90s release. I like that.

One of my favorite shooters.

Love the weapon system and how much depth there was to routing the stages out thanks to it. I love all the little changes they made to enemy and boss patterns in Hard! Really felt rewarding to understand the game's systems well and kick it up to finish that difficulty.

1CC'd it once, will 1CC it many more times, it's just a great time all around.

lovely game. perfect game. incredible game. don't listen to the bad reviews of this game they're just being mean :(


The same thing as every other licensed game Spike Chunsoft has put out in the past 15 years.

I really like the concept of One Punch Man himself imposing a stricter time limit on the opponent. I love when fighting games do goofy shit like that.

Sho is my favorite shoto character I've ever played in any fighting game. Ever. And I've played a LOT of fighting games.

I feel like you owe it to yourself to give this game a shot at least once if you're invested in the genre at all. Fightcade has it, it's getting a rerelease with rollback soon; now's a better time than ever.

Mega Man actually runs slightly faster in this game than he did in the NES originals. They changed it to compensate for the lack of the slide.

I didn't actually notice this until someone pointed it out, though. I still miss it, but I suppose it didn't COMPLETELY kill the pace of the platforming for it not to be there.

I don't think there's another platformer in existence that has a more satisfying final upgrade.

IDK I just like it

Backflip kicks make this game. If you don't know how to do that, press up+kick in the air at any time.

You could already be in the middle of a kick animation, and it still registers - that'll just spring you off of an enemy's face and flip back. So much movement!

Replayed this the other day and goddamn I don't remember the characters in the cutscenes being so mean-spirited

I loved this game but hate its controller support.
My hands are way too shaky for mouse and keyboard controls, so I just used a key mapper to play the game before. I got very particular with how to work everything, and I was able to do just about as much as anyone else.

Once they added thorough controller support.... that autodetected when it's plugged in... and works with any controller, Dinput or Xinput.... my key mappings did not work. Actions that I had conveniently set up to 1 button now took up 2. Smart cursor wasn't an option anymore, it was a requirement; the game literally would not let me turn it off. The D-pad and analog stick do the same thing, for fuck's sake! No meaningful mapping options at all!

If they were going to take away so many of your options like that, they shouldn't have had controller support at all. :/

Oh well. I heard the update's great. I bought one of those Steam controllers that read as mouse and keyboard anyway, so I'll probably be able to pick it up again.

this game handles like Ecco the Dolphin but hype