Played this for way too many hours to rate it lower, but really feels like such a soul-sucking game. oh and fuck EA of course

Absolutely stellar characters, setting, humor, and everything. The puzzles will drive you mad, but they're so rewarding to complete if you don't throw your PC out the window. Ingenious and surrealist art honestly.

eh, disappointing, weird dialogue

Quite good. Very well rendered lighting, considering. Fun Victorian slang, deduction minigames were fun as hell.

Absolutely shaped my childhood and I couldn't be happier with it as that game for me. I remember my dad coming to me and going, "Check out this tiny indie game, it's in beta right now, I installed it on your computer."

brainless looter-shooter. wish there was more of a challenge than enemies with infinite health bars. but of course the combat mechanics are lovely. grading all of this relative to it being an MMO bumps it up in quality

A great take on Tolkien in MMORPG form

I worship this game over any diety. Playing New Vegas for the first time when I was 11 utterly, absolutely changed my life and the way I would look at every other game to follow. Still play it again in full at least once a year and learning the speedrun. Please chat me up about lore.

The Hitman franchise has gotten a little lost lately. This feels like its peak to me, not just feeling like endless season-based DLC or giving into silly gimmicks. But this one has the little goofs seasoned in nicely. Throwing a heart in a trash can. The Texan. Nobody cares about the story cutscenes, that's just how it is, the only bits of story that matters are the hilarious bits of dialogue you eavesdrop on.

I fell victim to a lot of the negative press on this one. So glad I decided to go at it on my own. Really incredible blend of genres, goes from utter peace to heart-rate-elevating stress. It does take itself rather seriously for goofy sci-fi, one of my favorite genres, but Kojima is just being his usual masturbatory self.

sigh... looks like I am back in my annual two-week Sims rut...

janky and largely boring sepia game, when I'd die for its orange reskinned counterpart :)
oh, choices matter do they? blow up or save megaton? that's very morally grey and interesting. thank you
wait, the brotherhood of steel are the good guys?????? fuckkkk!
this game was the first step in running fallout to the ground. having supermutants as brainless grunts.

/joins lobby
/other players see you just came from a loud run
/running stealth
/kicked from lobby before time to fix your build
yeah. also the economy of this game sucks. good fun though

unfortunate. but if you think about it as a fallout open-world spinoff with a few good characters and subplots, it helps. pretty worthwhile for one playthrough