I never thought that assassins and pirates would go together and they really don't. But the story this game tells is very good and characters are very likeable. Side missions and side activities is the part where the game lacks. The ship gameplay is interesting and fun. Pinacle of music are the sea shanties.

When the devs nails the atmosphere...

It is scary throught the whole game with occasional jumpscares adding to the horror experience.
The gunfights were interesting and dynamic (on hardest difficulty) and the AI is incredible.


I love when games are challenging and hell yeah the Doom is perfect. Especialy when you can't go through certain level but, in the end you make it. It feels so rewarding.

"Rip and tear. Until it is done."

I very enjoyed popping headshots with lever-action rifle and dual wielding revolver action. Duels truly tested your precision and reaction time.

Storywise the game kept me interested till the end. Although I was more action-focused so for me the story went bit into the background. Narating of the story was superb and funny as well.