Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Konami has penchant for making great RPGs, and this one is no exception. It’s a frickin huge, fun game. It’s set in the future … fruity-looking mechas abound, seedy merchants, high technology - if you’ve played this type of RPG, you nkow what I’m talking about. Anyway, this game also features some of the best damn music in an NES game, thanks to the VRC7 chip.

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

This is a … different game. You play as a young man whose sister is really ill. You gotta catch this big-arse fish called the River King to cure her. So, you do the only logical thing: travel from fishing hole to fishing hole trying to get the River King. Unfortunately, this River King is pretty popular, because all sorts of animals attack you while you travel. So, watch out! Yeah!

Game Review - originally written by ???

If you’ve ever played the (wonderful) Venus Wars, this is like a medieval Venus Wars. Or something. It’s all set up like a strategy RPG, but the battles are done in a one-on-one side-view fighting game kind of thing. Unfortunately it gets old pretty quick (at least for me), and you’ll end up being very grateful for the CPU control option.

And just for the record, I got to the second battle before I lost.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This is a very early example of the old truism that games based on licensed properties are by default Bad. It applies here with crappy movie licenses just as it applies to crappy Japanese games with anime licenses (hi Banpresto).

The story is a continuation of Castle of Cagliostro: Clarisse is (again) kidnapped, and everyone races to the rescue. You can choose which of three characters you want to control: Lupin shoots short distances, Jigen shoots long distances, and Goemon uses his badass close-range sword. I'm sure there are other differences, but they don't apply to the first level, and none of you will pass the first level anyways.

For starters, this is one of the cheapest games ever. It's an early game, so the jump physics might be excused, but enemies that suddenly appear in front of you in the middle of a long jump that you can't actually see the end of, well, whose bright idea was that? The jumps in the first level are a pain anyways; you have to actually run down the roof to gain the momentum you need to get to the next roof. If you try to keep running at that point, you'll instantly run into an enemy that suddenly appeared directly in front of you.

Toss in the one-hit-kills-you-instantly gimmick, and you've got tons of fun for everyone! Man, I loves me some Lupin, but I defy you to play this game without savestates. It's a fucking pain, man.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Well, you can tell from the screenshots below that it’s not that complicated of a game, but it’s still helluva fun to play. You play as two characters, Popolon and Aphrodite. I assume that the two of them have different skills or something cool like that, but I can’t figure it out. I think Aphrodite can like, smash those weird-looking blocks or something cool like that. Anyway, it’s just a fun game where you get stuck a whole lot, which, you know, makes sense, since it’s a maze and all. So in short, fun game.

Game Review - originally written by ???

Well, it’s one of them adventure games, mostly text-based.. The only other example I can think of is Phantasy Star Adventure, and that’s a pretty bad example. Maybe Snatcher, without the neat shooting stuff. Anyway, since it’s heavily text-based, playing in Japanese is very very difficult. Only my mastery of katakana kept me playing for the three minutes that I looked at this. I know, I’m amazing, right?

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

This is a Nes miniature golf simulator. It seems to follow imaginary physics. I wish I had something more in-depth to say … but that pretty much sums this game up.
(editor's note: this game came so close to being released in the west that it had finalized Vidpro boxart, it was due to be published by JVC)

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Mirai Senshi Lios is a nifty Strategy RPG for Nes, which plays incredibly similar to Front Mission. You have command of a bunch of armored mech units, and you go out and kick your enemy’s butt in with them. Basically, you have a drop ship and a commander, and so does the enemy. You either have to annihilate the enemy, or kill both the drop ship and the commander. Of course, the enemy has it lot easier when trying to kill you. See, if your comander OR your dropship goes bewm, you can forget about winning. Not a chance for you. You’re just another victim of Twistied Video Game Logic.

Also, there is a plot going on underneath all the strategy stuff, which is somewhat rare in this genre (not counting Shining Force and Dark Wizard, of course). Most strategy games have no justification behind them. Take any of the Gameboy Wars games. You’re just mindlessly pummeling the oppostion for… what?! What did they do to you? Why are you fighting a war? (Why do I try to think about stuff like this :P). That lack of reasoning kinda turns people off from the genre, but fortunately, this game brings a pleasant break from the strategy norm. The game is definitely worth your time, you should check it out!

Game Review - originally written by ???

Damn, how much cooler can a game get? Okay, you’re this guy that shoots bullets out of this dot in his forehead, and you go around killing those Troll things that were EVERYWHERE back in second grade, remember those? And you even kill helpless puppy dogs! It’s a real wonder this game never made it over here. But it still would’ve been a pretty cool game, even though NOA probably would have changed the dogs into something else.. Probably more Trolls, hopefully. I mean, what else is there to say? It’s a pretty fun game. You can charge your shot, and throw this odd trident thing, which you can jump on to get to high places. The monsters drop money when they die, and you can shoot the money and it increases in value, which is just plain neat. It’s freaky, and really really cool at the same time, just like all good games should be. OK that’s all.

Game Review - originally written by ???

This is a very strange game. It’s a platform puzzler, and it reminds me somewhat of Lolo for some reason. Anyway, you’re this dinosaur-looking thing and you have to collect these things and go through a door. I realise this descrtiption is vague, but it’s a puzzle game for crying out loud.

Anyway, as easy as collecting things and going through doors may sound, it ain’t! There’s all sorts of critters out to get you, and rocks to push around and bricks to head-butt. It’s good ‘ol fun puzzle-solving. Check it out.

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Wow, this may be the most badass platform game ever. The game plays a lot like Prince of Persia, where you have to jump from platform to platform, do some climbing and essentially avoid falling to your death. There’s also plenty of thugs trying to stop you, and collection of some of the toughest bosses I’ve ever encountered in a videogame. Meanwhile, Ninja Gaiden-esque cut-scenes tell the story in between levels. The graphics are almost on par with the TurboGrafx, and the control is amazingly fluid and dead-on. The more you play this, the more you’ll say “damn, they did this on the NES?” It’s just that kickass.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

If Excitebike had a sequel, this would be it. It even looks the same, aside from the 3-dimensional aspect of it. Yeah, you don’t just move continually to the right; you actually go around a track. Kinda like RC Pro-Am, except Motocross Champion has bikes and actually is a good game. Up and down control the, er, position of the wheels. Like you know, wheelies and stuff. And left and right steer. Be sure to remember this, because if you don’t you’ll be running into every wall you see. Actually, you’ll be running into every wall you see anyways. But that’s not to say that it’s a bad game. It’s fun, and everyone should play it, so there.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Well, if you're into RPGs with a lot of plot, you might want to stay away from this game. There's a menu at the beginning, and you can choose from 50 scenarios. When you choose, you go right into battle. It's that simple. No messy plot to clutter things up or anything like that. It's too bad, a plot would really be handy, because maybe it would actually explain things a little. The game's kind of easy at first, but that's because you can just use the LONG skill and hit the Emperor twice and then kill him. Then you win. Pretty simple eh? Well I don't much like strategy RPGs anyway, so I admit I didn't give this game very much of a chance. Sorry.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This here is the Japanese version of Panic Restaurant. There’s a lot of differences, mostly the fact that they changed that freaky chef kid into some freaky old chef man. WHY? Taito also made the game harder for the U.S. release, changing around where items go, and removing some altogether. Fortunately Toma is here to translate the original, lovable Japanese version for us all. It’s really fun, but how can whacking various edible sentient objects with your head NOT be fun? What can I say, it’s just a nice silly fun platformer that everyone needs to find and play. Oh, and there’s a funky bonus game where you catch fish. It’s neat!

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Yep, it’s a badass Technos basketball game. Being technos, it should be a given that the game concentrates more on beating the snot out of your opponents than actually playing basketball. Also being a Technos game, it should be a given that it’s quite fun. Anyway, the “courts” (and I do use the term loosely) are riddled with obstacles, weapons and multi-level baskets, and are in such locales as Navy Ship Yards, downtown San Francisco, and many other zany places like that. You know, normal, Technos-style fun-fun ^_^
(editor's note: this game now has an official English translation in the Kunio-kun & Double Dragon Retro Brawler Bundle)