Game Review - by Spinner 8

This is a pretty neat little game.. Well, from what I played anyway. I screwed up and made both players me, so I easily won. Still, it’s a [system] Wars game, and while they can’t all be as brilliant as Advance Wars, they pretty much all play the same. Except (wraith) doesn’t like em.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Hey, um, it’s Final Fantasy! And if that wasn’t good enough, there’s also Final Fantasy 2! Granted, it’s not enough to get anyone excited in the Emulation Age, but this would be quite a worthy purchase back in the day. I mean, who would pay full price for Final Fantasy 2? This way, at least you get the FF1 with it too.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

It’s a Final Fantasy game! Final Fantasy 2 has all the things you’ve come to expect from the series: music, plot, pretty well-done character designs.. What’s not to like? Well, I’ll tell you. The experience/level system is done away with in FF2, and replaced with a SaGa-like system in which your character only improves in the skills that you actually use. Granted, it’s very different, and you’ll either like it or hate it. I really couldn’t stand it the first time I played the game, but now I actually kind of like it, although it makes the game drag on a LOT in places. Of course, FF2 has numerous things that can be exploited, allowing for all kinds of cheating (some prefer the term “time-savers”) to take place.. such as making an attack and then cancelling it, attacking your own teammates to raise their HP, and.. Well I can’t think of anything else. Anyway, if you like this sort of thing, by all means try it out, since it is definitely a good game.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

I can not say enough good things about this game. I love it. A lot. I didn’t think I would, but look what happened! Yeah, so this game is a hell of a lot better than the first two Final Fantasy games, in almost all respects: vastly improved graphics (on par with those of FF4), a kickass soundtrack (including the coolest boss music EVER).. Basically it’s just a helluva fun game. Think FF5 with less plot. When you win a battle you get Capacity points, and you can use those to change Jobs. Whenever you get to a Crystal you have get more Jobs that you can use, and, uh, stuff. This is probably my favorite Final Fantasy game out there (except for possibly FF7, but we won’t get into that), and is definitely one of the best 8-bit games I have ever played. It starts out kinda rough, but once you get past the beginning, it’s great. Really

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Everyone loooooves Fire Emblem! And again, I do not have mad enough skillz to play it. This is the first in the Nintendo’s illustrious series of strategy RPGs. Um, that’s all. It’s a strategy RPG. It’s not like I can tell them apart or anything.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

I guess this is considered Fire Emblem 2, because I haven’t seen it anywhere else. Why it’s a considered a gaiden I don’t know, cause I’m not really into the whole Fire Emblem thing. Still, I managed to get to the third battle without dying, so it must be doing something right.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This is supposedly based on some kind of anime show in Japan. I’ve never seen it before, but you’re damn sure I’m going to now, after seeing all the oddball characters in this game. As you can see, it’s a nice little shooter game. Well it’s not great, but it’s decent enough. It’s really slow though, so don’t expect to get totally overwhelmed like in R-Type or something, like that’s a bad thing. You’re lucky if you see two enemies on the screen at the same time! But still, it’s a neat game. My roommate and I both agree that the Professor is its saving grace. He is just too damned cool!

Game Review - originally written by ???

This was released in the States, as Fist of the North Star. And it’s just as bad as you remember. B kicks and makes enemies fly across the screen, A punches and makes enemies’ heads explode (undoubtedly a staple of the anime), and Up makes you jump three times your height. This type of badness needs to be experienced to be appreciated.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

The WakdHacks homepage describes Fuzzical Fighter as an RPG/Action game mix. That’s completely wrong, but it shouldn’t hinder your enjoyment of the game. You can think of it as a side-scrolling shooter with RPG elements. As you fly around shooting stuff, you get money, which can be used between stages. You can buy new weapons or shields or engines, or you can heal yourself, or even warp to another stage if you so choose. The formula works wonderfully in this case, and while it’s not a completely new concept nowadays (Tyrian’s one of my favorite PC games (too bad it won’t work on my computer anymore)), I’m sure that it seemed quite cool at the time, and it’s still great fun to play.
(editor's note: this review was written around 2000, the game came out in 1991, I am reposting it here in 2023, it has been over twice as long as the review and the game coming out for me to repost it here)

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Let’s just get this out of the way here: Goemon kicks ass. Ass. Do you hear. Okay. You may remember this fellow from a few games (three I think) called Mystical Ninja. But there were a whole HELL of a lot more in Japan. Yup. This is the first one. It’s pretty simple, but it’s fun, so yay. You run around and smack people (but not the ladies, please) and collect three passes to move on. I guess Goemon’s this hero fellow who gives to the poor and stuff, but it’s hard to tell. You can upgrade your shoes to run faster, and you get a slingshot, and a candle so you can see hidden stairways, and a whole hell of a lot of items that I don’t know WHAT they’re used for, and this sentence doesn’t make much sense. Just play the game dammit. Geez.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

I thought I was good at side-scrolling games until I played this. Anyone who thinks they kick ass at side-scrollers needs to play this and be forever humbled. It's hard. Incredibly hard. This game is difficult to the point of Unfair. However, it still manages to be fun to play. There's a basic overworld, which consists of your Hero moving along predetermined paths to event squares, where you can have some fortune-telling old hag laugh at you, or buy items from a guy with Tourette's Syndrome, or go and get your ass kicked in one of the side-scrolling stages. I wish I knew what the items did, but I'm too lazy to find out. Well anyway, I guess this is your standard NES game in the same vein as Castlevania - you'll die frequently, hurl your controller at the TV and swear to never play the game again, and then you'll just try again the next day.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Yep, another Dragon Warrior-inspired game. Except not quite as blatant as most others. It's in Greece, and I can only assume that you're Heracles, but I can't read Japanese, you see. Um, let's leave it at that, shall we?

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Damn Nintendo of America and their damned anti-RPG ways. If not for the Big N, maybe this gem of series (which consist of two Nes, two Snes, and one Gameboy game, possibly more on the next-gen systems) may have seen the light of day in North America. (editor's note: (wraith)'s prognostication came to pass in 2010 when Nintendo of America published Glory of Heracles for Nintendo DS)

Anyway, The Glory of Heracles 2 is truly a feather in Data East's cap (Which is certainly a plus given that they are the company that produces the abomination known as Bad Dudes). What Heracles 2 does is basically take the game engine behind Dragon Warrior 2, improve the graphics, add a dash of Greek Mythology and mix it all up. Sure, maybe the geography isn't quite right (Athens and Minoa, on the same landmass? Where's Crete?), and maybe some of the mythology is a bit off… but hey, it's a game. It doesn't have to be real. If I wanted it to be that real I'd read an atlas and check out the Mythology section of the library. What it is, is FUN–and that's what counts.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Well damn, what more can you say about this game? It’s Contra! It kicks ass! There’s a flimsy plotline in the Japanese version! The 30-man code still works! Seriously, this game is a blast.. I’m sure everyone knows that though. This is of course the Japanese release of Contra, and there are some extra bonus things that don’t really amount to much in the end, but they’re still pretty cool, and they make you wonder why Konami took that stuff out of the U.S. release. Anyway, go play dammit! And get a second player, for God’s sake.. It’s twice as fun!

Game Review - originally written by ???

Whee, a Square game! It simply MUST be translated! Anyway I think this is a strategy RPG in the same vein as Ogre Battle, but I got bored and quit. So who knows. With any luck, when this game gets finished, someone else will do the review so I don’t have to find out. La.