Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Yep, another one of them “graphical text adventures” that seemed to be crazy popular in Japan or something, there's so darn many of them. This is based on the anime, which by looking at it, you would think it was by Rumiko Takahashi. But, as so many have pointed out, it is not by her. Could've fooled me. Anyway, the game is pretty hard to play in Japanese. So that's all.

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

This game is by Konami, and it rocks, just like every other Konami MSX game. You basically have to search an island for King Kong. Of course, there's all sorts of stuff along the way trying to kill you before can do that. But that's okay, because you can punch them and stab them and stuff. Except for the bosses. They will kill you. Sorry. There is no hope for you. The game's really hard.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

The true sequel to Metal Gear, directed by God himself, Hideo Kojima. To say this game is an improvement over the first (which I'm sure you've all played) is quite a serious understatement. This game is badass. Perhaps you've heard the story behind this game through Metal Gear Solid and its Previous Operations thingy or whatever. Still, though, there's no better way to experience it than to live it. Well, not actually living it, but you know. The graphics, while not mind-blowing (especially for today's kiddies), do the job marvellously, and the sound is really great, thanks to Konami's SCC sound thingy.

The story goes like this: Dr. Kio Marv creates OILIX, a new microorganism that can refine crude petroleum into a much more purified form, thus effectively ending the world's energy crisis. On the way to the U.S. for a conference though, Marv and all his data on OILIX were taken to Zanzibar Land, a military state in central Asia. Solid Snake is called back out of retirement (again) to rescue Marv and retrieve all the stolen data. Dropped off right outside the main complex, and armed with nothing more than a pack of smokes, Snake has to infiltrate Zanzibar Land and, you know, kill a bunch of mercenaries and stuff.

Without hopefully giving anything away, this game plays an awful lot like Metal Gear Solid. Basically, the only new thing that MGS brings to the table is an extra dimension and a much-improved storyline. Some of the bosses even give long-winded death speeches after you defeat them. Fortunately, though, most just kind of blow up without any extraneous back story. The game's surprisingly easy to play, especially given the system it was made for, that American-unfriendly MSX. Crawling is sometimes a pain though; I've often shot a guard in the back by accident when I was meaning to duck. But other than that, I mean.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Having been an avid Magic: the Gathering freak in my middle school years, I can safely say that Card Fighters 2 plays VERY closely to that most hallowed of collectible card games. If you’ve played the first Card Fighters game, it’s pretty much like that game, only with better animations, and interesting facts about the characters, and I can only assume more cards. People seem to like the card games, don’t they?

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This is a scaled-down version of the two Rockman (Megaman) arcade games: Rockman the Power Battle, and Rockman the Power Fighters. Hence the “Battle and Fighters” in the title there. For the unaware, these games essentially pit Rockman with a bunch of Robot Masters, so you’re essentially playing the game, just without all that boring “level” stuff. Capcom actually does a really good job of converting the games; sadly there’s only about maybe three total tunes here in the NGPC version, and the characters look amazingly 8-bit. The backgrounds look super sweet though. Oh, and why the hell is Power Fighters so damn easy? Like, right in the middle of every battle, Rush or Beat or somebody else comes along and makes you invincible, or kills the enemy for you, or something. I never could understand what the hell was with that.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Have you ever been lying awake at night, thinking “wow, wouldn’t it be cool if there was a board game RPG?” Well, the Ask Corporation has answered our prayers, dear boy! And as simple as a “board game RPG” might sound, 100 World Story truly defies explanation. Well, sort of. You roll dice and traverse the land, entering towns, passing through forests and killing small woodland animals, finding treasure, spending treasure, losing treasure, and enduring fetch quest after fetch quest to become strong enough to accomplish the scenario’s main goal. There are two ways to win: Accomplish the main goal (there’s three scenarios: slay the dragon, find the legendary treasure, and rescue the princess), or have the most points (gold, equipment, etc) after all the rounds are over. Random people will give you experience, you always tend to find items lying around on the road.. It’s always completely random and fun. Battles are pretty typical RPG stuff, you pick the option to fight, magic, etc. and the combat only lasts a turn before it’s the next person’s turn to play. It’s great fun, so play the damn game.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

I’m sure most people have played at least one game in the Hudson’s Adventure Island series, what with its countless NES and Gameboy games. And because of this, most people will not play this game. Why? Well hell, Adventure Island sucks! You just walk forward the whole damn time! You jump over various things, and that’s about it. Fortunately, this version of Adventure Island is actually good. In fact, it’s really really good, which makes me wonder why it never was released here. Anyway, instead of merely going straight the whole time, facing nothing more serious than a rock or a slightly steep incline, Adventure Island 4 is laid out in a very non-linear fashion. You could call it a cutesy Metroid or Symphony of the Night, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Oh, and the fruit? Those useless things that you did your damnedest to catch every single one of, although they did nothing more than raise your score slightly? They actually serve a purpose here! Yeah, it’s cool! For every eight fruits you get, you regain a heart’s worth of health. It ain’t much, but you don’t get hit a whole lot so it all works out. Anyway, it’s a great game that I order you all to play.

I really need to find a better way to end these things.

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

This game rocks. Really rocks . . . It plays almost entirely like Dragon Warrior, with a Japanese flavor and dialogue that is a hundred times funnier (i.e. - “I will defeat Kojiro, and maybe even get laid!”). But then again, I’ve read Shakespearean Tragedies funnier than Dragon Warrior’s dialogue. And the enemies are absolutely ridiculous looking . . . I mean, a corn cobb monster. A god-damned corn cobb. It would be embarassing in my mind if I ever died at the hands of a cobb of corn (ok, so it killed me 10 times so far, but we’ll ignore that detail ;). Now, go and play this game right now, or I’ll kill you dead where sit. I don’t know how, and I don’t know when . . . but I will =P.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Okay, this game blows. I know that a lot of people spent a lot of time on this game (well not really), and I know that I should be nice and all (NOT really), but the game still blows. Think Hydlide with a sword. And better music. Okay, well it doesn’t blow THAT much. You just walk around and kill stuff, and there’s no point to any of it, and it’s all just so bleh. It’s got a day/night cycle, which is sweet, but there’s no point to it, and it just goes back to day so quickly anyway, so it just ends up pissing you off. You might gain levels and stuff, and that character creation stuff in the beginning just MAY have some relevance to the rest of the game, but after about five minutes, you won’t really give a damn, and you’ll go back to playing your stupid Madden games.

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

This game is … weird. You wander around the over world in a manner similar to every other Nes RPG ever made, and when you enter caves and such, you switch to a side-view perspective and kill things in a manner not unlike the way you kill stuff in Mario Bros. (not Super Mario Bros.), only it’s harder and more annoying. Yeah, I suck at this game. Oh well.


Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This is one of those very heavily text-based kind of adventure games, where you move the pointer around and click on things, and you’re given a description of it, and stuff. Maybe it gets different later on, but I just said OH MY GOD JAPANESE ADVENTURE GAME and ran away screaming. But now I’m back writing this. Um, yeah.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

If you didn't know, Villgust is a somewhat popular anime series in Japan. I have had the pleasure of seeing the two-episode OAV, thanks to Taskforce, and it's really really good. When I first started playing the game, I was determined to at least get to Fanna. Mmmm.. Yummy Fanna.. Hmmmmm…. … Oh! Well I never got to Fanna, because I got stuck in the first damn section! It's very sad. I played for at least a couple days before giving up and writing this review based on what little information I have. Basically it's just a typical RPG. The cool thing is that the battles are side-scrolling, making it a little more involving. It's pretty fun, actually. The control really sucks though, almost as bad as, say, an Action 52 game (okay, not quite that bad..), and it's more than a little annoying at times. If you don't mind stuff like that, then by all means try this out! Apparently there's a FAQ somewhere that'll help you actually get further in the game, so have fun.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

You may think this is an RPG when you first start this up, but don’t be fooled! You can just choose your stats at the beginning and gain levels, but all this is is just a crappy shooter. It’s like Battlezone, but in three dimensions (but not, um, Battlezone 3D). The fun thing is, you just spend your time chasing this floating thing and aiming at it, while continually pounding the A button. In theory you can shoot down their projectiles, but they hit you pretty instantaneously, so unless you’re clairvoyant and know exactly where this magical projectile will appear, you have no choice but to be hit by it. Fortunately, most people who will play this game will not have to pay for it. Such are the wonders of emulation.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Um, this is a platform game. Your cute dinosaur character walks around and farts on his enemies (which, by the way, has a very limited range) and that’s basically it. Maybe something super cool happens later, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Game Review - originally written by Sliver X

This game is something of a mix between Rad Racer and Battle Cars on the SNES. You drive around in this silver car that can change shape and become thinner, (A pretty useless feature, as you can’t shoot in this mode) shooting missiles at cars that get in the way, all while trying to not run out of fuel. The problem is, the tracks are REALLY long, you only have a finite amount of missiles (You can buy some though by trading points at stores that pop up now and then, and other items of interest), and if you run out while fighting one of the bosses, you’re screwed into having to start the entire track over. Which is really bad considering that means you have to listen to the music again. Seriously, the music in this game is easily some of the worst I’ve heard on the NES. It sounds like a couple of retarded circus monkeys on crack (editor's note: wow some of the language in these old reviews didn't age well lol) got a hold of a cheap ass Casio keyboard and had an hour long jam session. But wait, there’s hope! If you read the readme (and you always read them, don’t you?), you’ll find out that if you hit select while playing the game, you can turn it off! Despite all the flaws and horrendously cheap scenarios in the game (Dont’ even get me started on the cheap ass spaceship(?) fight that happens after you kill a boss.), I really like this game, enough to where I didn’t stop playing until I beat it. Give this game a try if you can’t get enough Rad Racer/Chase HQ type of games, and don’t mind constantly saving and reloading save states.