i remembered this existed, so i booted up my wii, opened the game and got this welcome message:

"long time no see! havent seen you for 6 years"

most powerful moment in gaming history

wow it sure took me a while to finish this game. mostly cuz i played 10 hours 2 years ago and picked it back up this year lol.

honestly i gotta say i really liked it. the last persona game i had played was P3: the answer (again, many years ago by this point) and it left me with a really bad taste. it fucking sucks. and the journey is fine but it's nowhere near as good as P3 fans claim it is.

this game though, my complaints with p3 were mostly fixed. the terrible social links, the length and slowness of the game, the horrible combat, the nightmare indicing looping OST, the bland characters, etc. P4 mostly fixes my issues with the previous game.

granted, not all is perfect. the dungeons are still borefests where nothing happens until the boss levels. i mean: no puzzles, no story bits, nothing. but hey at least they have different music, unlike P3 lol.

the social links, while a LOT better than P3 and lacking that terrible tonal whiplash with the story that the old game had, are still not very interesting. some are better than others but it's not like any would be worth your time otherwise. feels like a way to pad the game's length a bit more.

either way i'd recommend this game to RPG fans who just want to check out what "neo persona" is like. i mean, nowhere near as good as the old games, but still a good game with memorable story and characters. also it's not 120 hours long like P3 is. holy shit.

that said i'm done with persona for a while. honestly, i feel like the social sim structure is kinda worn out by this point, i wanna play something different. but seeing whatever P5 is, and that even the new fantasy game atlus is working on has a fucking calendar, i dont think they're gonna give up on this format for a while.


waaay too hard, this game is very unbalanced and it shows. but hey, you do have multiple party members and some moments are genuenly pretty good. but you can definetly pass on this one, it's not as interesting or groundbreaking as the first one.

okay game but not that interesting, really. like yeah i guess part of that new wave of jrpgs, but if you want to play early rpgs you're better off with a game like ultima 3 exodus (probably a big inspiration for this game).
otherwise, it's fine. a fairly short rpg too, so you're not missing much but it's worth playing to see the "first" jrpg.

interesting game. very atmospheric, the story is kinda dumb, it has some cool concepts though.
i don't think i've played a horror game in 1st person earlier than this one. i have to say it really does work and it did scare me a few times.

ok it's really really hard to rate this game in a fair way. how can i say this? xenogears has some of the best moments in jrpg history. this might be one of the best written games i played, well, at least sometimes...
the pacing of the story feels a bit all over the place, the beggining of disc one feels really slow, it picks up around 20 or 30 hours in. and by the start of disc 2, it's TOO fast, i found myself getting a bit overwhelmed with all the text and expo dump. a lot of the stuff set up in disc 1 was unresolved or straight out forgotten by the end.
some game mechanics felt kinda underutilized by the end. for example, i loved getting the deathblows and learning how they worked, but by the end it didnt really feel needed. there is no ng+ or optional dungeons that offer much of a challenge really.
the OST is also pretty repetitive for such a long game. don't get me wrong, it's an amazing sound track, but i'd liked to have a few more battle themes to listen to lol.
that all said though, i absolutely loved this game. it's absolutely a must play for the PS1, few games are as ambitious as this one. and, while the story does get a bit cheesy sometimes, it has a lot of cool ideas, interesting characters, a mysterious and engaging plot, it's different... the world is amazing as well.

really not a good game or even an enjoyable experience. it's just a persona 3 "asset flip", where the characters are cranky for a while until they just aren't. they removed the compendium too, which just forces you to grind for no reason, in pretty much the same dungeons as the last games, with the same enemies, same characters, etc. if you're planning to play this right after the original, dont do it. it's gonna ruin your original experience, this is like a crappy fangame.

and on the story: is it actually necesary? like it adds nothing at all aside from overexplaining things, and that kinda ruins the beauty of the original game's sort of abrupt and ambiguous ending.

also it's 30 hours long, and trust me the story is SO stretched you'll just be bored most of the time. this should've been at most a 10 hour game.

pretty disappointing imo. i was expecting something a lot more violent or something considering this game was banned in a lot of countries. in reality it's a slightly weird survival horror with very stiff mechanics and combat. not bad but honestly not that interesting. not sure how it caused so much outrage. might come back to it in the future.

got the bad ending :c
probably gonna be replaying this in the future. kinda liked it but not nearly as interesting or cool as the first one.

amazing cheesefest. totally worth playing if you like ps1 horror games. be warned though this game has many frustrating insta death traps.

amazing game and great sequel to koudelka. i dig the aesthetic and ost, but the gameplay and story are actually really great as well. only downside is that this game is a bit on the easy side, and maybe a bit short being just under 30 hours with sidequests, but still 100% recommended, and must play if you like it's horror style.

i love this game. i know a lot of games from thecatamites are too weird for me, so i think that the "limits" set by RPG Maker actually made this game kind of coherent.

so yeah, the game is funny, the soundtrack is great, the visuals are amazing, my only complain is that it's pretty short.

interesting game. feels kinda intimate, in a way few games made me feel. but pretty chill experience either way

i wanted to write a review of this game when i finished it, but i forgot lol. and now i just remembered at 12 am for some reason.

to be brief, i loved this game. this is almost a celebration of the original games. not to mention the plot is BY FAR the best of the first 3. like they are all great but this one takes the cake, the more psychological approach really worked for me, and the sh4 style home segments were creepy as hell. also we get more miku and ff1 sections :D

and the gameplay is great as well. nowhere as easy as ff2, just at the sweet spot imo.

honestly if you liked the previous games just play this. and if u didnt go play them ... lol

finally finished this game after literal months... sadly i didn't get to play much because of work ;(
anyway, fatal frame's very interesting game. the camera gimmick was pretty fun, and the setting is fairly interesting for a survival horror game (i'm used to the more western inspired setting, the japanese style mansion in this game makes it pretty unique), the exploration is pretty fun, even if the map itself is fairly small and repetitive, and the story is adequate. it is pretty rough around the edges though, theres a lot of getting stuck in this game (lol), also the movement and camera feel pretty clunky without tank controls ngl. the puzzles do get a bit boring too, they are mostly stuff like opening a cage to get a code or something, or just pressing some buttons in the right order without much complication. they are a very minor part of the experience. the bosses aren't that interesting either, they are fairly easy for the most part, and running out of resources is pretty hard honestly.
my favourite part was just exploring the place, reading about weird rituals, and taking random pictures of ghosts. the battles kinda drag on sometimes, specially the random ghosts that just appear every now and then. you can easily outrun them though.
so yeah, absolutely recommended for survival horror fans. i definetly have high hopes for fatal frame 2 though!