wizardry inspired jrpg, basically hell on earth

crap. only sort of worth it for the akira route. completely reused ost, art, and textures from SMT 1 & 2, barely any story and dialogue, painfully boring and frustrating dungeons, you get the point.

my first jrpg. i love it plus god tier ost

a bit on the short side imo but still good. in the same vein as persona revelations.

good but slightly worse than IS imo

pretty good, but gets very frustrating, slow and dumb near endgame.

fine and innovative ideas but pretty sloppy execution. pacing is really important in such a long game, and in that respect it's not good. also the battle system sucks.

i love this game, but it's hard af and extremely unfair. keep in mind the competition for this was ff2 on nes tho.

honestly not as good as i expected, but i may have le nostalgia googles for PSII tho lol

oddball game but i like the jrpg elements with the horror atmosphere. plus the ost is amazing.

played the win 95 version fan patched. great game.