3198 Reviews liked by roboSteven

The suffering really makes you feel like Simba.

50% of the time AVGN reviews a game negatively, he simply exaggerates the negative aspects for comedic effect.

This is not one of those games. This game is well and truly hot garbage. I would rather play Superman 64 from start to finish.

what were they thinking????????????,?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Gaming Ilustrated: 8.4/10
IGN: 7.2/10
Gamespot: 7.2/10
Games Radar: 7.2/10
Eurogamer: 7/10
Yahoo: 7/10

don't understand why this isn't co-op

This happened to my buddy Bolsonaro.

hahahhahahahahaha kyle you remember when i gifted this game and we played it non-stop
good times



You too, can get over depression with the power of mediocre puzzle platforming and Kirby's Down+B.

Extremely pretty at least.



A case for the eradication of art students around the world.



I do not find it beautiful. I do not find it moving. I find it precious. Delicate but gaudy, restrained but excessive, fluid but deeply static. I find it so goddamn boring.

It asks me to admire it. Insists upon it even. But I don’t. My breath is untaken, my awe uninspired. It’s all so monotonous and hollow. It tells me to feel, but I do not feel. What a terrible thing: assumed feeling unfelt.

There is nothing to hold onto here. It strikes the most self-serious art game pose — I Am Become Grief, Destroyer of Girls — but dodges all specifics. Yet grief is always specific. Trauma is always specific. Depression too, even when it feels absolutely diffuse and general. Each is rooted in a specific self. But Gris ditches the self and gives us instead the everygrief. Or is it the everytrauma? There’s no telling

We cross tiresome landscapes, past uninspired iconography, through bland mechanics, and nothing lands. Nothing lands. The game just sits there, faceless and cool, daring you to question its beauty.



On-the-nose visual metaphor that is almost as funny as the main character's overall design. A 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' type of game - has nothing to say about depression or trauma besides lovingly painted watercolour renditions of the images you get when you Google Image search those words. I wish this was affecting, but it just left me bored and frustrated.

For a game called "Downwell," it sure is difficult to get down that fucking well.

Nothing in the design is wasted, every choice has pros and cons even down to where you choose to move at any given time. The result is a platformer that uses it's simplicity as a strength rather than a weakness, being both easy to learn (only one button plus directional!) and difficult to master. The overwhelming feeling of this game, perhaps more than any other I've ever played, is Zen. When you get in the groove, you are at one with the game and it feels amazing.

Plus the palette swaps are a great idea for unlocks and they serve to keep every new run fresh.

i laughed at my friend for crying at this game so he played it for me and then i cried at this game four times.