Bubble Bobble's name becomes immediately apparent upon pressing the action button: a bubble shoots out of the dinosaur-lookin'-character's mouth.

Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2's name becomes apparent after maybe the first level.

"Oh yeah. This plays like Bubble Bobble."

I like the original Bubble Bobble a lot, but this one might actually be the better game. The way the rainbows function for trapping and attacking enemies while climbing up a level and avoiding obstacles works incredibly well. Real good stuff.

Damn, Q has great normals in this and I still can't beat the single-player campaign.

Maybe I'm the problem. :)

I'm not sure Humongous Entertainment ever topped the character design of Chuck Cheddar: Cheese of Adventure.

"But that's just a block of cheese with a mustache and aviator helmet" yeah that's what I'm saying

Pong centered in a circle that tries its best to be as distracting as possible.

While I actually like the idea of this a lot, the way the ball moves around the square results in a lot of sitting there and waiting for something to happen. The element of distraction while you play is very cool, but the core game isn't my thing.

One of my best friends and I found this one goofy review of Kid Niki: Radical Ninja for NES on youtube that, at the time, was one of the funniest things we'd ever seen. It featured a lot of complaining about hitboxes, sporadic jokes, and being interrupted by ATTA BOY!! every time it showed up on screen.

I cannot for the life of me find this video, but even if I could I can't imagine I would find it nearly as funny as we did back then.

Anyway, I played the arcade version. The hitboxes ATTA BOY!! are fine in this version. The game is whatever.

Kind of interesting from a video game history perspective regarding how this was controversial at the time for its excessive violence and what have you, but from a gameplay perspective this is probably the shittiest game of I Spy that I've ever played.


I didn't realize kestrels were so common in...

checks instruction booklet


okay so this game is actually really well put together and it's enjoyable even if you don't like hololive and yeah yeah whatever but the most important thing I need to bring up about Idol Showdown is that you can use your burst in the middle of your own attacks and I don't know of any other fighting games that let you do that, so I have just now placed it on a very silly pedestal in my mind.

$0.00 for peak.

I went into a saloon and the bartender was all like "we don't serve just anyone around here, pardner" so I presented a dead body to him, but instead of being impressed with my ability to kill, the bartender invited the dead body in for a drink and kicked me out.

Good times.


Literally every single time I use a mechanical blender for making cookie dough or cake batter I'm transported right back to being four years old, wearing a child-sized apron, baking sweets with my mom.

I've been getting more into cooking since I moved out of my parents' house a few years ago, and it cannot be understated how good it feels to make food for others. People talk about love languages, but I think a very strong one for me these days is making soups for other people. I was lucky to grow up with a mom who loved making a wide variety of foods for the family. I've told her this multiple times.

I really ought to make her some soup.


A little bit less of a game and a little bit more of a toy with boxes and levers and knobs to mess around with until something neat happens.

I've been stressed out lately about miscellaneous stuff, and Gnog has been the perfect little distraction I've needed on occasion.

Thanks, tactile noisy box-game. You are very cute.

Strikers 1945 was (and kinda still is) my go-to "this arcade is cool if they have this game" game when I was in high school.

I didn't have too much experience playing shmups thanks to my parents never letting me play the cool "blow up a bunch of dudes in a plane while flashy stuff happens on the screen" games when we went to bowling alleys. They let me play the occasional beat-em-up when I got a chance, but for some reason or another shmups were always verboten when I was little. By the time I got a little older and was given more autonomy, arcades in the US were very obviously dying out, but I would still find the occasional game cabinet in movie theaters and pizza places. My local movie theater specifically had Strikers 1945 and I would go out of my way to play it a decent number of times before or after seeing a movie. I was never any good at it, but dodging projectiles for a few minutes and seeing the flashy bullet effects and explosions always gave me enough of a dopamine bump to give it another try whenever I found another cabinet of it somewhere. It was my go-to shmup.

Now that I'm much older and have played way more video games, I think it's safe to say that Strikers 1945 is best left in my nostalgia.

The gist of giant ships and planes transforming into machine gun-wielding mechs is cool as hell, but almost every other aspect of the game is either weak or forgettable.

The sound design across the board is just flat-out bad.

It's still fun, and it will always hold a special place in my heart as the first bullet-hell/shmup I actively remembered the name of, but after playing it comfortably in my living room via emulator with infinite coins instead of in a noisy, cramped, dimly-lit corner of a movie theater, I think it's safe to say that Strikers 1945 is just alright.

Don't ever ask me to 1cc a shmup by the way.

Never ask me that.

Cute, short, chase game!

I know I literally cannot stop talking about Pikmin, but this reminds me of the Waterwraith from Pikmin 2. You start with one silly skeleton, you scramble around a maze in order to get more silly skeletons and destroy treasure so that the unkillable "hero" doesn't get stronger, and after a few mazes the game shows you if you got enough skeletons to defeat the "hero".

It's a little jank to control, but that's honestly part of its charm, and I'm going incredibly easy on it since it was for a game jam and is free on Steam. The animation of the skeletons moving around is very silly.

Not to dump credit on the artist alone, but I'm looking forward to playing more AndyLand games.