I hyperfixated on this game and I'm sure I"ll hyperfixate again when I get back to it.

I never played anything else other than a count in Ireland, but it was always a good time.

A great comfort game at one point in my life.

Amazing game that actually gets you role-playing.

Definitely a lot more visually impressive than other idles, but it didn't hook me.

Maybe I haven't played enough of this game, but it didn't click with me the way that the original CSD did.

I love the idea of playing Elite: Dangerous, but it feels like a game that wasn't designed for Keyboard + Mouse or a standard gamepad, so it's not exactly accessible.

I am terrible at this game, but it was still plenty fun.

This deserves a remaster/remake, or even just a proper port. It's a fun tycoon game that went the extra mile including a movie making system.