Es un puto SPY! - Soldier spanish dub

The Best racing Game on the Wii one could say that this is the most iconic Mario kart on the franchise

Something that shouldnt exist

The best Yakuza Game on the franchise next to like a dragon

One of the best spin-off ever seen on a videogame franchise, the change of pace with a no-yakuza protagonist and that doesnt kill makes this gem truly shine

Is a great Game i liked the change to be rpg but like is own style even if it take so much of dragon quest it is on thing

Yusuf best friend and best arabic character

I went bowling with my cousin 10/10

How to say this? The truth here is the game was rigged from the start!

Wahoo whacky pizza man, edgy teenager with a robot arm, motivation man and the twenty-second letter of the Latin alphabet

Did I ever tell you the meaning of Insanity?