Loses some of the original’s art direction in the process. I wish there was an option to just have the original with a bit less pop-in for higher resolutions but maintain the misty hazey atmosphere that was somewhat lost in this remaster.

Best modern open world adventure I’ve ever played. Nothing has really come close.

First 50-60 hours: 9/10
Last 10-20 hours: 4/10

When it turns into a linear boss rush towards the end, and loses the open-ended structure, it quickly turns from a super fresh and interesting open world game to the worst soulslike From Software has made.

Some of the later bosses are okay, but most of the enjoyment I got from the game were the random optional pockets of the world that provided interesting challenges/dungeons. Some of the later bosses felt horribly untested and imbalanced compared to From’s better work, where amount of damage is the sole challenge the bosses provide vs interesting rhythms and thoughtful combat patterns. In Bloodborne/Sekiro I rarely felt like I needed to grind to improve my character’s stats enough to survive more than one hit of a boss’ attacks, the challenge wasn’t in how much damage the bosses did per-hit but in parrying or reacting properly to patterns.