A puzzle game with a hell of a lot of heart. A riveting platformer with mind bending game mechanics and a through line, emotional narrative.


A Dark, Mysterious odyssey through purgatory that challenges your brain and leaves you wanting more.

A vibrant, fast paced crossover fighter that stands on its own in the sacred halls of Arcade gaming history.

The Space Horror tale that shook me to the core. It’s story has echoes of the Body Horror from John Carpenter’s The Thing and the Survivalist aspects of Ridley Scott’s Alien.

Bar none, The best game adaptation we’ve gotten of the beloved Whip cracking, Treasure Hunting World Explorer. It has great combat mechanics, exotic locations and an engaging story.

This Dystopian Undersea Shooter is a wildly imaginative survival journey that mixes the elements of Science, Art Deco, and complete Utter madness. It will forever change your outlook on what games can be.

In essence, a platformer that oozes adventure and sheer wonder. It's visual design, sound and fantastic controls put it leaps and bounds above the platformers of the N64 era. It's charm and playability hold up to this day.

A thrilling romp that set itself apart from Tomb Raider and The Indiana Jones games. It's challenging environmental puzzles, cover-based gunplay combat and charming lead character, Nathan Drake makes this epic quest fun from top to bottom.

By the end of the first level this bizarre, educational horror experience I was hooked. It managed to take what was great about light gun arcade game, House of The Dead and turned it on it's head to an almost comedic level.

For me, this Investigative Horror experience sits right next to Fatal Frame and Dead Space with it's ability to scare the bajesus out of me. The multiplayer option definitely adds to its replayability and being able to hunt ghosts with your friends is just pure damn fun.

A visually stunning, hit the ground running game that shined a light on World War One, an oft-overlooked era in the arena or FPS war games. And while it's shortfall is that it's not the most accurate depiction of the Great War, it's an adrenaline-fueled, content-packed ball of entertainment. Making it just the sort of comfort game I can get behind.

Kazuma Kujo, the developer of Metal Slug once said, "Give the player everything you've got, right from the start." This game exemplifies that philosophy in spades. It was always a go-to game at the Pizza Parlor and once it was ported onto consoles, I lept at the chance to tear down enemy soldiers once more with my comrades. It's balls to the wall gameplay and globetrotting environments make it the best of the Metal Slug series.