I enjoyed the game a lot and loved seeing it in color, but for some reason, the original Red just felt slightly better to me. Not exactly sure why, but it was fun to return to Gen 1 again!

For some reason, I just couldn't really get into this one. The berries were honestly kind of annoying but I did really love the Pokemon. Just not really for me I think.

For some reason I just couldn't connect with this one as hard as I wanted to, but it was incredible for what I've played!

This is a fantastic game in Sony's long list of fantastic games. Combat felt great, world-building was great and the story was incredible. The reveal at the end is crazy, too! The only problem I have with it is more of a problem with Sony's games in general: they're all games that are made to be played by the largest audience possible, therefore none of the mechanics in the game are particularly outstanding. The combat is awesome, yes, but none of the mechanics really felt like they were a master-class in their respective fields. The exploration was nice, but felt a little shoe-horned in; the combat was great, but nothing special compared to its contemporaries; and the collectibles and side missions are standard, especially for Sony. The game has also taken its core premise (disgruntled and burdened father figure grows closer to child as their adventure continues) from The Last of Us, so that kind of docks points for me. Overall a great game that I wish took more risks.

Animal Well is a game that is incredibly difficult to review due to how mind-bendingly unique it is. I would not say that I enjoyed every second of it, its slower pace was a challenge for me at first, and I really only got through "layer one". BUT I did have a lot of fun exploring its labyrinthine map and it is one of the most distinct games with some of the best puzzles I have ever played. Great game that I wish scratched me a little more like it did most of its player base.

Also disgusting that Billy Basso basically made this entire game, engine, IDE, and OS himself. Haunting levels of genius.

Thoroughly enjoying this one, but that may be subject to change.

I sincerely think there's no racing game as flawless as this one. Unbelievably good

Driving just feels weird compared to TMNF. Didn't really like all the different kinds of tracks either, they all felt weird and not fun

Maybe it was because I was on controller but I just couldn't get into it like I did TMNF

Incredible shooter that I wish had a little more variety in its areas. Incredibly fun to play nonetheless

On PC, it just kind of feels terrible, even on controller. The camera is just really jittery and it makes me sick. I really wish it wasn't this way because I was having a lot of fun, but I still became bored after a while. Still a fun time though!