27 reviews liked by ryful

saying video games shouldn't tackle tough topics while having silent hill 2 at a 5/5 is very smooth-brained.

team silent is gone and you need to accept that.

bitches be like "this is what takes nintendo and those soulless corporations down" when this game was made with the same soulless sentiment

Pokémon Legends: Warcrimes of The Wild Evolved & Knuckles

the greatest game I have ever played.

might get a concussion just to play it for the first time again.

Easily the best soulslike I've played. It is as close to FromSoft quality I've seen another studio get, and it is definitely a must play for fans of the genre.

How am I nostalgic for a game I literally just beat

This game gets a lot right and a lot wrong at the same time. The combat is streamlined in a way that makes it way more fun, the game is a lot harder, the animations are incredible, and the boss battles are drastically improved over the first game. I loved getting to come back to this world and see it expanded in a way that really fleshes out Miles' character before Spider-Man 2 this fall.

However, the game lacks that layer of polish that made the first one so special. The new ideas it brings to the table are cool, but they don't all mesh well and feel a little janky to use at times. The game is also incredibly short and lacks the side content to make it worth it to me at full price. If you get this, get it on sale. Despite this, I am very glad this game exists, and for what it is, it's a genuinely good time.

Also uncle aaron's mixtape is trash.