21 reviews liked by rykermg

If this came out in the early 2010s era of Youtube there would be so many fan animations saying that the Wonder Flowers are actually Super Mario smoking weed

The developers could have hidden a new Star Fox game on the Game Over screen, and nobody would ever find out.

Finally having Daisy as a playable character is like finally getting back the $20 that the weird guy at work borrowed from you over a year ago: It's unexpected, you made your peace with not ever getting it, but now that you have it, you selfishly feel like you deserve more. Is Waluigi's first main-line appearance too much to ask for?

the marketing: You are Agent 47, an unfeeling and calculating badass who could assassinate a room full of people without wrinkling his suit.

the gameplay: I dressed up as a clown and slapped a guy into the ocean with a fish

Took a drink every time something stupid happened and got so hammered that I don't remember how chapter 2 ended. Had to abandon the game after that.

A true story: When I was 9 or 10, I got this game and sucked at it. I couldn't get the hang of it as much as I tried. On New Year's Eve, I remember my mom mastering "Slow Ride" by Foghat and I stormed out of the room in a big huff, promising myself I'd do whatever it took to become a true Master of Rock. The next day, I fucking killed "Story of My Life" by Social Distortion, and that's why today, I am proud to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2023.

It's really cool that this sick album came with a free game.
It's hard to beat the gameplay loop of "Alright I just gotta get some good stuff" to "I AM AN UNSTOPPABLE ANGEL OF DEATH" to "I accidentally put my pinkie toe in a puddle of rainbow colored piss for half a second and I died instantly"

i love this game and i want a new one for switch already

also my dad uppercut our dog playing this somehow