Rance Ranked

Nothing here!

This and 4.2 are bad games. But, they're Rance games so they're still more interesting than most bad games.
The only main Rance game I didn't bother finishing because I simply got softlocked. Gameplay is innovative I'll give 'em that much, but it's still trash.
A half-assed remake of an already mediocre entry. Lazy dungeons design, almost as bad as 4.1 & 4.2 in that regard. Its saving grace is introducing Maria and Shizuka and one of the best themes in the series (Mage Girls).
This is a good remake. The entire story could fit in Quest or VI as a two part quest, and none of the characters here are particularly interesting save for a few that became mainstays (Lia, Maris, and Aanami), but it's a short game and the gameplay didn't lose its novelty and kept me entertained throughout the 10~ hours playthrough.
I appreciate this game's place in the series. Mainly for expanding the Rance universe. But the combat is a chore and not very fun. What got me through it is ofc the story and the many fan favourites who made their debut in this entry.
It isn't as grand as III but it makes up for it with better combat and overall polish. A good entry.
One of the most VN leaning entries, not much "gameplay" compared to VI, for example. Good story with hateable and interesting antagonists, has probably the best male lineup in the series, the female lineup is a bit underwhelming though. Combat is decent enough if a bit too traditional for a Rance game. Amazing OST as always.
Best remake in the series. Awesome OST, great story and characters, simple yet engaging combat system.

This is a perfect starting point for anyone interested in the series.
Gameplay is a polished version of Kichikuou's making it easily the best gameplay in the series. That is in stark contrast to the story which is easily the most underwhelming in the series IMO.

Also god tier OST (Advance v2 fucks).
While the story is way more laid back especially compared to Kichikuou and VI, it's still a fun journey that has some surprisingly poignant moments and one the best endings in the entire series.

Gameplay is more or less the same as VI but I think the encounters in VI were more challenging and more thought out and made the combat much more fun.
Is it the best one? Yes. Is it my favourite? Almost.

Peak SOUL. Amazing game all round. It's only missing some of the QoL changes in Sengoku. A game that I'll replay at some point for sure.
Gameplay-wise, it's not as experimental or complex as Kichikuou or Sengoku. It's actually relatively safe compared to other Alicesoft titles but the gameplay loop is just as addicting and fun.

The writing here is solid too. The plot and the interactions between Rance and his harem are as fun as ever. There's almost never a dull moment throughout the whole journey.
Almost perfect in every department. If you play it after playing through the entire series, you'll realise you'll never experience greatness like this ever again.


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