Absolute kino. I will probably never be touched by a real woman in my life ever again, but my waifu is finally real

The fact that they included a very obvious rule 34 character and I didn't even see porn of her on twitter before the release says everything you need to know: It was dead on arrival.

Even Tawna's fat fucking ass didn't save it from being the worst of the 4 games.

garbage physics
garbage tracks
garbage game

I'm so fucking fast at pressing e you wouldn't believe, I won every single minigame I fucking stomped my buddy

Developer literally named Chad. Good game.

Interesting concept for a puzzle game, feel like I've seen everything after the demo though. Not sure if more maps will keep the gameplay from becoming too repetitive. Still, probably keeping this one in mind until it fully releases.

Rockstar combined the worst 3rd person shooter you've ever played with a horribly paced 5/10 western story.
It's also one of the buggiest AAA games I've played to date.

that's how I discovered I'm autistic

sorry but I really don't care about your wife who's next in line

Wow, I really ragdolls from an explosion love how badass you ragdolls from an explosion feel in this game, just ragdolls from an explosion like a real action ragdolls from an explosion hero ragdolls from an explosion

I can't remember the last time I've had such a shallow and soulless experience with a video game

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why is he called ghost when I can still see him