i couldn't get past how eevee screams EHH BOYY every ten seconds but watching my wife catch that shiny rapidash was pog

fellas is it weird to watch sim versions of your friends kiss in front of a burning refrigerator while their bright green "dog" shits on the floor?

The first pokemon game I ever played on a emulator in my 10th grade computer class. Lives in my heart forever because a little blue crocodile follows you around and i love him.

I remember this game being too hard for my little baby brain to grasp because I was 10 and didn't understand how jrpgs worked but it was v pretty. -1 star for the gameboy advanced multiplayer set up from hell who thought of this

im not entirely sure I actually played this game or if it was a fever dream but I remember the weird jello cups you collect so I guess I did huh

Can the rhino like slow down

I didn't get it. Everyone was like OHHH THE VISUALS THE GOO CAVE WOW! It was just kinda ok.

This game made me a furry. It's good though also sucker punch owns my asshole

The perfect game. I don't care. Shut up.

It still has an active modding community as of 2020 and boy oh boy do i love animal doll house game

this game is dogshit but when you jump out of bounds i SWEAR TO GOD Shrek will spawn INSIDE whatever console you are playing it on. No one fuckin ever believes me but there's a video on youtube where a toddler records it on a 1999 handheld video recorder i s2g