After II, you'd be forgiven for thinking the series had nowhere else to go. That was until Atlus had the genius idea to set it in a chaotic world in opposition to II's lawful one.

And it does feel chaotic. Powerful enemies can show up out of nowhere, might rules the day and you will feel overwhelmed. It's even reflected by the narrative, where you have to choose a philosophy to reshape the world, but all are morally gray and none of them are your own.

This game pioneered the Press Turn system which has been used by several games since. Of course you have to mention Kaneko's art and Meguro's soundtrack too. There's just so much to admire here.

The Persona series may be more accessible but Nocturne has it beat in sheer originality. I love, love, love this game.

The only thing stopping me from giving this a perfect score are the numerous game-breaking glitches. Other than that, it's an incredibly ambitious game which showed us how player agency and freedom should be handled. It's also hard not to fall in love with the setting.

Little advice: save your stimpaks for Mariposa, a certain someone will need them.

I hate that this is actually good.

III was a great game but it's hard to argue that there wasn't much of a story until the very end. Sometimes a journey is defined by the company you keep and the illustrations in II's manual teased something which we had yet to see.

IV not only provides you with great companions but gives all of them a chance to shine before you even see the hero... at least in the original version. But I'm praising the remake because of its quality of life enhancements and fun little quips between characters (sadly absent in some ports.)

I really do think this is the greatest JRPG of all time. This feels like it finished what Ultima III started. It's a thrilling ride from start to finish which every gamer should experience.