amazing experience best played completely blind. would recommend even if you're not a big fan of card games

imo this is an almost perfect game. it is just absolutely fascinating and one of the best sequels i've ever played. this game has one of the coolest settings to a game imaginable: 14 people forced into a battle royale in a post ww2 silent hill inspired town, with a 3 day time limit similar to majora's mask.

despite being a pretty short game, most of the characters are very well developed and likable. the city of prehevil where the game takes place is also very fun to explore. there is just so much to do, so many scenes and character interactions littered across the city which combined with the somewhat roguelike aspects of the game mechanics makes it very replayable.

termina, like the first game, is extremely graphic and disturbing, but handled in a much better way. there is significantly less of the icky scenes that fear and hunger 1 had, but the game is still genuinely disturbing. so even if you dont like fear and hunger 1 i would still recommend giving this game a shot.

the only reason this game isnt perfect is because of the sheer amount of bugs. some glitches are understandable because it was made by 1 guy in rpgmaker which is a huge accomplishment, but this game definitely needs some bug fixing and polishing. theres a lot of typos and weird bugs littered throughout the game (such as being able to saw off infinite heads from certain enemies). some items and skills also literally dont do anything, like the yellow vial and levi's executioner skill. i also personally had crashing issues that i could never figure out how to fix but that seems like a rare thing as i could never find anything about it.

all in all, as someone who has played rpgmaker games their whole life, this is the single best rpgmaker game and one of the best indie games i've ever played. despite that it is not for everyone because it is extremely difficult, graphic, and buggy. if you are interested in playing it though, go in as blind as possible, one of the most fun things about this game is progression you feel with the trial and error of figuring out the mechanics and areas, and becoming a better player because of it.

absolutely beautiful.

incredible environment, creature, and sound design. the atmosphere is perfect. also very difficult and will not hold your hand, you're thrown into a very hostile world and are forced to adapt or die. learning how to survive and better navigate the world is extremely satisfying. would recommend playing as blind as possible

the peak of shooters. insanely satisfying movement and gunplay. every weapon has some cool tech or interaction with another weapon, and combining them together in a combo is hella fun.

the level design is great (especially in the later acts) and has tons of replayability with how you can optimize going through a level.