10 reviews liked by sehere

a masterful balance between tension and levity, absolutely nails the tone as well. holds up extremely well on Gamecube--the control scheme feels tactile and at points purposefully clunky as to ratchet up the terror when facing enemies. the character animation made my jaw drop, and the way the enemy intelligence meshes with it is mind blowing considering its 2004 release. still feels so fresh and video gamey in the best way

the perfect kart racer, but skill ceiling is so low it isn't as replayable as some earlier entries.


"Overrated this", "Overrated that", yeah well I ated all your delicious pancakes

ryuji. bro. i love you, but you gotta quiet down about being a phantom thief in the middle of a CROWDED SUBWAY STATION 😩

Pretty good when you ain’t got a bitch in your ear telling you it’s not

Really good when you don't have someone in your ear telling you it's mid

none of these people know that i was an undesirable child