I've never been so torn over a game before. I love this goddamn game so much, no matter how polarizing it is. I love many of the characters, Clive was a really good protagonist, the music was phenomenal, and I had a blast with the gameplay and Eikon battles. They were some of the most memorable fights I've experienced in action/RPGs.

But... the plot and the pacing. Whoo, boy. It was strong in the first half but once you reach a specific part of the story, the cracks really start to show. Certain characters were underdeveloped, the story had really odd MMO-like pacing to it (no surprise there lol) that constantly kills the momentum, and an uninteresting major antagonist. It was so jarring jumping between weird story beats and then immediately hit by an emotional scene that just leaves you sobbing. The game peaked very close to the end when it just suddenly crashes into the ground at 120MPH. Don't even get me started on the ending.

Despite all of this, I adore this game to bits. I don't think I have the heart to really hate it. (Yes, my ass will come back for a 2nd playthrough). I can only hope that 16 will lead future games to a better path :')

It was an alright game. It’s not good but it wasn’t SUPER bad, either. Which is unfortunate because co-op superheroes games are not common. I honestly don’t know what to say as it really wasn’t memorable. The gameplay loop was incredibly tedious and boring. Clean up crimes, go back to your base, do story mission, repeat. I played with a friend through the whole thing, which made it much more tolerable. So ultimately, I can’t recommend this game. Buy it at your own risk or on a deep deep DEEP sale.

Don't mind me just writing a love letter for this game--

This is my first entry into the Monster Hunter series and I had no idea what the freak I was doing, lol. Like I was LOST and veterans were talking about older monster and the new changes while I was just ???? Switch Axe go brrrrr. But once you get past that initial learning hurdle and put some hours in, it gets extremely addicting. I ultimately put in about 1K hours into this game? Played the majority of the events and joined the raids. It was some of the best time I've ever spent grinding, lmao. Joining SOS and helping others was also really fun. You’ll meet some of the coolest and helpful players. No two SOS missions are ever the same, haha! Even if you fight the same monster over and over. The devs truly cared for this game and it was amazing seeing all of the new content being added for Iceborne. There’s no “endgame” so it’s ultimately up to you and what your goals are once you finish all of the main storyline. I’ve never been the one to enjoy games where the focal point is to grind, but MH is truly a master at creating good gameplay loops for those who can get into this series!

Overall, I loved World/Iceborne and I absolutely can't wait for the next big game in the series!

I played the vanilla P4 waaay back when I was younger and it was one of the most memorable experiences and really kickstarted my love for the series. Now that I replayed it again + finished all of the extra content, it's still SO FREAKING GOOD.

The plot is great, the cast is all loveable, the dungeons are huge improvements from P3 and the music is incredible as usual. I love it so much I really can't explain how magical and nostalgic I am for this series. I recommend it to anyone who's interested!

I FINALLY finished the trilogy sobs

I remember attempting to get through the games via emulators and always stopping after the few first cases. So once I hit this trilogy on the console, it was a huge bog to get through. BUT FINALLYYYY, it's completed.

All I will say is I absolutely adore all of the characters so much. Everybody had their own unique little quirks and personality. The interactions with everybody was so fun. In regards to the cases/story, 80% of it was really solid. But there were definitely a few cases that were a huge pain to get through. All in all, amazing game.


This was the first Soulsborne game that I ever finished! I attempted Bloodborne long ago but never had the courage to finish. A few years later, I picked up DS3 and was determined to finish it. Thankfully, I persisted despite the initial bosses giving me a rough time.

Despite it famously being known for a tough game, you can't beat the soft worldbuilding, rich lore, amazing boss design, and beautiful soundtracks. It was such a good game and I wish I could experience it fresh again. The DLCs are just as good, if not, even better!