I can't put into words how I feel about this work of art. Being able to experience so many emotions while invested in nearly every single moment and character. Genuinely the most compelling story I've ever read.

I didn't think the story could get any better than 2, but I was wrong. The last 20 minutes were the greatest.

Holy fucking shit, I had high expectations for this game, and it exceeded every single one of them. The vastly improved combat system and additional mechanics were great, but the best part was the story. The story is just so meta and insane.


Omocat has one twisted mega mind.

I had a really hard time getting into this installment since it's story is so bland and dragged out at times. Combat was fun and engaging but after a while it just seemed like the fights dragged while you wait for cooldowns. Will give it another try in the future.

Plenty of flaws in the story, lots of annoying mechanics, and questionable choice for combat system, but if I said I didn't enjoy a huge chunk of it I'd be lying. Nice ending too.

Overrated. The game was too long for its own good and becomes extremely tedious real quick. Getting through each chapter is a chore when you're doing nothing but the same quest every time.