As someone who doesn't really care for Metroidvania as a genre, I appreciated how casual and breezy this was... for the most part.

You'll never struggle to know where to go next and there's not tons of frustrating backtracking. Plentiful fast travel options and it's like 6 hours long.

The plot and characters are... whatever. The voice acting is really good. The visuals and art direction are decent if unremarkable.

Traversal is the easy highlight. Combat is pretty good though they throw way too many enemies at you, so I ended up just dashing past most of the ones you weren't forced to fight.

Almost dropped the game down to 3/5 because there are a few bullshit trial-and-error sequences: the two-minute chase sequences where a single misstep = game over. And the boss fights without checkpoints that rely on cheap tactics.

Overall a solid game albeit not one I'll remember much about by year's end.

A passable runner game thanks to the music and the decent art style, but the gameplay is trivial to the point of boredom.

There's not much challenge here apart from some wonky
hitboxes and sparse checkpoints later in the game, and the extensive asset re-use makes it feel too repetitive at even just 90 minutes in length.

Interesting idea, but not really for me. The repetition of it kinda wore me down after 30 mins of playing. Nice graphics though.

It's OK? Moderately amusing for a few rounds but there's not really any compelling hook to keep me coming back. Also the ratio of downtime to actual gameplay is brutal - it's like 50:50. No.

Much as this is a very "chill" game for the most part, some of the puzzles are actually pretty annoying - they had me stumped for a few minutes!

Another nice looking, straight-forward indie about packing up your room and moving. It's not doing anything new and the control scheme is a bit clunky, but a pleasant enough way to spend 90 minutes.

One of the more interesting games I've played lately, even if I didn't totally love this.

The presentation of the story is really bold and out-there, which is great. Love the intentionally jarring music choices.

Wasn't a fan of the very game-y gameplay. It starts off intentionally tedious but later on the puzzles just feel like low-effort padding. Wish they did more with the pray/platforming mechanic - it's only used like twice in the whole game.

Overall the 3-hour playtime is definitely a good thing - double the length and this'd be way more of a slog.

Also super impressive graphics considering the scale of the production.

Found it pretty underwhelming overall. The graphics and art direction are absolutely beautiful, but the gameplay is so dull and stale.

The lousy perspective puzzles just bog the pacing down even though they're much easier this time, the combat is deep as a puddle and making it all 1v1 for like 10-15 fights in a row is just silly and repetitive, and so much of the game is just "hold down forward stick + L1".

I think that'd be more forgiveable if the story was seriously engaging but I thought it was mostly just portentous nonsense.

Really impressive technically, but it did nothing for me on a gameplay level. I think if this were much longer I'd be a lot harsher on it.

One of the best looking "OK" games I've ever played.

I command the developers for Harold Halibut's unique, claymation-style art design and generally gorgeous visuals. The voice acting is also mostly very good.

But on a gameplay level this is pretty damn dull. Its status as a "walking sim" would be fine were it not for the extreme emphasis on repetitive backtracking and also the game's overegged 8-10 hour length.

There's no real difficulty here beyond trying to remember which room NPCs are staying in when you have to go track them down.

The story has flecks of intrigue but the thematics are very on the nose and straightforward. The characters are an interesting bunch but could use more shading.

Game is also quite buggy - numerous times I tried to skip a single line of dialogue and it just skipped all the dialogue for the scene. Lots of clipping through objects too.

It's an interesting and creative game but I think it should've been about half the length. As it stands I was ready for it to be over long before the end.

Cool idea for a game with some neat aesthetics but I wish it was more about cutting a stylish path than struggling to find the targets. Bailed after about 30 minutes.

A pretty typical Sad Walking Simulator but the voice acting was really good and the story packs a solid emotional punch. Gameplay was… whatever. Not a bad way to spend 45 minutes.

Neat idea but the trash controls and relentless backtracking wore me out quickly. Dropped it after an hour.

The emulation of a phone interface is really impressive but I was disappointed how subdued the horror elements are compared to the detective story and 20-something drama aspects. Ended up feeling like a cynical marketing book more than anything.

Most of the acting is.. not great except for the voice of the antagonist at the end. The plot revolves into nonsense by the finale though, sadly. Still a fun and interesting experience overall.

Nice music and an affecting if undercooked story. Gameplay is basic rhythm game fare - looks and feels like an old Flash game at times. Not particularly challenging, a decent way to spend 2 hours if you play the extra robot missions, which were probably more fun than the main game.


Really well written and timely visual novel about the impact of AI. Excellent voice acting. My only real negative is that some of the art is a bit bland and ironically feels like it was generated by AI.


It’s very pretty but feels horrible to play. The lack of handholding is made worse by poor camera and controls. It’s also packed with jank like regularly clipping through the environment. I hope the artists got to work on some better projects. Bailed after about 30 minutes