This just wasn’t for me. The presentation was an instant turn off and I just couldn’t get into the story as a result. Interesting idea, but a miss for me.

Another not-bad visual novel that just doesn’t have a ton of staying power.

I really like the 2D character designs and voice acting but the basic gameplay is full of awkward design choices - the slow movement/turning clearly intended to pad the short length, and the disjointed character animations during conversations.

An amazing 30 hour game stretched out to 50 great hours.

The graphics and combat are incredible, but there’s just too much bloat and busy work. Every animation takes way too long and the final dungeon was a chore.

But the highs are very high indeed. The less said about that ending though, the better.

It's a constant source of frustration for me how poorly modern squad-based multiplayer games cater to people who just want to play with randoms, and Suicide Squad might be one of the worst examples yet.

It's a good looking game with nice cutscenes and passable combat, but holy shit the matchmaking experience is pure garbage.

I tried playing the game a few weeks ago and couldn't find anyone else to play with. I waited until the Season 1 drop thinking that might help, I found ONE PERSON to play the story with, but after Chapter 1 the game wiped my progress and made me start from the beginning.

I'm done.

So torn on this. It's got a neat concept, some gorgeous background visuals and a lovely score, but the trial-and-error gameplay is absolutely excruciating. The visual signposting for what to do next is pretty lackluster and poor checkpointing means you're gonna hear the same narration over and over and over again.


Not bad. Interesting art style, nice music and an intriguingly dark story. It’s super short and yet still feels quite padded with all the slow movement. Decent way to kill an hour on a train journey.

Definitely a case of too much of a good thing. On one hand this has the best combat of the series and Hawaii is a fun fresh setting.

But even if you stick to the critical path the game is just too much - I don't need Yakuza/LAD games to be 50 hours long. This would've benefitted from losing 10-15 hours.

The final chapter in particular is a massive tedious slog of endless fights with occasional boss fights to break things up. I was exhausted by the end.

Also the ending is pretty disappointing. The game was sold as one thing but didn't really end up paying that off. The series has always been convoluted and messy at the best of times but they got especially sloppy here.

Overall I still had a great time, but I think scaling back for LAD 9 and sticking to a one-party system would be ideal.

I can definitely see why this is called The Room of Video Games, though I think it's also clear they weren't trying to make something good unlike Tommy Wiseau.

It's bad but at least it has some funny moments and it's incredibly strange, ensuring it's actually memorable.

Dug all the extra features for this remaster though I kinda wish they didn't stick all the videos behind a naff dungeon crawler mini-game (even if it's not hard).

Interesting release, would like to see more old curiosities get this sort of treatment. Glad to hear the actress actually had a good time making it.

Definitely one of the less "necessary" remakes in recent times, given that the original still looks pretty good for a decade-old game, and this remake does basically nothing to address its jankier gameplay elements.

The environments certainly look nice but I can see some complaining that it looks too clean. Also visibility was a bit of an issue in this version - the visual signposting for what to do next is pretty terrible at times, and I got stuck way more than I remember in the original.

Again, the clunkier aspects are largely unchanged - the controls and some of the puzzle elements are as fiddly as they were back in 2013, for better or worse (I'd say worse).

Indie games have come a long way since 2013 so I can imagine many coming to this game totally fresh may find it a bit underwhelming. I was glad to revisit it, but this hardly feels like the definitive take.

Not bad, just not any good either. A very generic Splatoon knock-off that should very obviously be free-to-play, especially with the aggressive microtransactions.

Gameplay has its moments but movement feels clunky, it's too visually busy and you spend WAY too long in downtime between matches.

Also the fact you're not automatically entered into a matchmaking queue when a round ends is INSANE. Like, this should be the most basic feature of any casual multiplayer game.

Considering how it takes ages to matchmake even within mere days of release I imagine this game isn't long for this world. Dead in a month.

The fighting mechanics and graphics are pretty great, though I think the Heat/Rage attacks casualise the experience a bit too much.

Story Mode was a fun way to spend 3 hours even with the story being total nonsense, and I hated the brief battlefield fights.

Most of the other single player modes are pretty ehh, though. I rented this and that was definitely the right call for me. A solid game but a weekend was enough for me.

It looks nice enough, but that's really where the praise for this thing ends. The script is hilariously on-the-nose, the gameplay is tedious, and by the time we got to the third chase sequence I couldn't be bothered to keep repeating anymore. I bailed.

Also the live-action sequences look like they were shot on my DSLR. Awful.

I will give this FMV dating sim some credit for not being as leering and pervy as the Super Seducer games. It's at least way more wholesome and earnest, even if it's still very clearly rooted in conservative Chinese values regarding gender roles.

The videos are fairly well produced though the 60fps K-soap opera format looks hideous to me. The leading ladies are incredibly cute which honestly makes this a lot more tolerable than it would be otherwise.

The big failing, however, is forcing you to raise your "affection" rating with all the women in order to advance to successive chapters. It feels like the devs lazily trying to bloat the game's length by forcing you into busy-work.

Also despite the game encouraging you to romance numerous ladies at once, you'll get the shitty "horndog" ending if you do this, as I did, at which point I couldn't be bothered to go back and try to get a happier ending.

Went into this totally blind and that was definitely the right choice. As visual novels go this is super smart and ambitious, taking the notion of player choice and flipping it on its head in a super interesting way. Great art, music, and voice acting too.

It didn't fully come together for me at the end, but still a great game.

As FMV games go the production values are relatively decent, but this is still a thoroughly gross PUA sim that probably isn't a healthy thing for any romantically impaired guys to take tips from.

That said it is pretty damn hilarious. They're clearly leaning way more into the meme-worthy nature of the series this time around with silly gag options both offensive and ridiculous.

Despite being banned from Steam for being too risque, this "uncensored" release is incredibly tame. Nothing here more than unmotivated close-ups of thong-clad behinds and bras ad nauseum.

At least the ladies are good looking and it's quite funny, both intentionally and not, I guess.