One of those games where you thought you suck at playing the game as a kid, but in reality, the game is actually controlled awful.

Near perfect remake of the OG, but I do wish they added a remake version of Extreme Battle, but the lost souls DLCs are sufficient enough I suppose so.

I might need to reconfigure my PS5 setup so I can play it with m/kb, but I digress. Or just get it on PC lmao.

If Post Scriptum is just Squad in a WW2 skin, HLL is just a level under PS with Red Orchestra 2 right under HLL in the Mil-Sim scale.


Ok gameplay.
Jamming soundtrack, holy moly.

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An actual continuation of the story of FF7 in disguise of Remake, and in turn creates a similar but different storyline where Fate itself has no control over our protagonist?

The absolute madlads you, Yoshinori Kitase and Tetsua Nomura.

Looks like Mother Miranda fuck around and got found out by our GOAT papa Ethan.

It's great to finally see the RGG franchise It's well deserved praise among the masses.
It's not everyday a prequel gets to be the one that actually gets people into a franchise.


I wish I played in the PC.

Never the less, Doom 2016 is the little stone that encourage indie boomers to be more mainstream.
Hellish fun and excellent level design, Doom is back with a berserker pack to rip and tear demons apart.

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Certainly a welcome remake like RE2R, but the purest in me says it has a lot to be desired.

For example:
I was saddened that the U-III and the second El Gigante (in one of the cross roads choice after the House raid with Luis in OG RE4) boss fight has been removed.
It was obviously to streamline the game, as to the be fair OG RE4 does drag-on in some parts, the Castle in particular.
And another downside is the lack of personality with the head honcho, Ozmund Saddler. Instead of a bond-esque villain in the OG, Capcom level down Saddler into a typical occult leader and put that outlandish personality into Salazar who's already pretty faithful to the OG sans hat and "I'll send my right hand to dispose of you".

But in the end, highly recommended RE4R, it's the same level of RE2R and definitely not on RE3R's.

Hoping RE5R is the horizon, I wanna see my girl Sheeva back in action.

No one, not even a british youtuber with a hours-length youtube vid, can convince me that RE6 is actually good, it's very mid at best.

Hell at least mercs is still wack, especially in PC with the L4D2 characters as exclusives.

Quite literally, Baby's first Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, or for some, Baby' first Wing Commander.

Not as bad as everyone has said about it, honestly.

NGL I can't for the life of me play/complete this game. And that's OK.

I recommend BoTW to others but it's not for me.

Ah Final Fantasy 7, I wish I could rate you higher but FF6, FF9 and FF8 exist.

Don't get me wrong Final Fantasy 7 is THE standard for what to expect in a JRPG..... in the eyes of people who haven't played Dragon Quest III, Breath of Fire, Luna The Silver Star, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI, .... you get the point.

At this point, FF7 is very overpraised in the western sphere of gaming.