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if the platforming was good there wouldnt be shooting

pokemon kinda sucks but i like it anyways. this is the best looking in the series, and as much is squeezed out of 2d pokemon as possible. the sprites are wonderfully detailed and fake 3d is used really well here. as for the battle system, its a pokemon battle system. it is the best version of that though, before the full power creep and benefitting from 4 games worth of old pokemon iteration. my favorite game to nuzlocke.

this game is a phenomenal acheivement in mystery media. holy shit. im not usually the type to get super engaged by mysteries, at least i dont attempt to solve them. but the super stylish visuals brought me in. what i didnt expect was for this game to hook me near instantly. the way bread crumbs are laid out is masterful, and youll be analyzing every little piece of information trying to claw your way to a completed case. within 2 minutes of the game starting it teaches you to fill in the blanks for yourself. theres no way to not learn everything about the ship and its crew, you need to soak in the entire story of the obra dinn. i've never played a game thats this cohesive in every way. even the (again, fucking fantastic) visuals serve obra dinn perfectly: the lack of detail adds a perfect amount of ambiguity while the contrast gives weight to each tracer and drop of blood. this game rules.