i loved playing this. it's an adorable puzzle game with gorgeous art and so many references to homestuck. my favorite part of this is definitely the combat. combat in this game feels less like fighting and more like a puzzle, with the goal of most encounters being to distract or lure away enemies rather than to kill them. my only problem with this is the length. i usually prefer shorter games, and i dont like to complain about a game's length, but the ending here is way too abrupt. i understand that it's to set up the sequel, but i still would've liked to see a bit more setup for the ending. still, while the ending is awkward, it doesn't bring down the game's quality at all in my opinion. this is an excellent game that is a must-play for homestuck fans.

absolutely incredible. a brilliantly written prologue/conclusion to a series i adore. every character here is so intriguing and the story is absolutely unforgetable. there's really not much to say here, you need to play this yourself.

an interesting game with an intriguing premise that i never completed. i played through gorristers story, and even though i had a walkthrough, the obtuse puzzles made it hard to enjoy.

this DLC adds a lot of fun weapons that definitely improve on New Vegas. it's totally worth getting, but there's not much to say about it.

a pretty neat DLC. i adore the environment and the new weapons are a lot of fun. the characters are pretty interesting too, especially joshua and daniel.

a great fallout game with some minor flaws. the environments are gorgeous and the story is a lot of fun, with all four major factions being very interesting. in terms of gameplay, there's a lot of weapon variety, and while combat isnt as smooth as fallout 4 it's still very satisfying. of course, the game doesn't run too well. i personally experienced dozens of crashes near the end of the game, which was extemely frustrating. one thing i really disliked was the interior designs. many interiors, especially the vaults, are terribly lit, look the same no matter where you are, and are designed like mazes, to the point where i've had to give up on some quests completely because i couldnt figure out where the hell i was going. however, despite these two flaws, i still really enjoyed this game.

a 2020 quarantine period drama with a fun premise, really charming art, and a fun story that gets really emotional near the end. i can't begin to explain how much i loved the characters in this, from the designs of the background characters to the main characters' personalities. if you're a fan of homestuck you should definitely check this out, since it's pretty similar in terms of writing, but even if you aren't you should still play this.

pretty solid game with a great visual style!

i don't have much to say here, this is a really fun interior design themed dlc that unlocks some neat features in the main game.

this game is great. the story is nearly perfect, with charming and interesting characters, and i love the visual style. the puzzles are a lot of fun and the "socializing" combat system is neat too, but it couldve been fleshed out a little more.

an excellent conclusion to the metal gear series. almost every system and feature from the earlier games is polished to perfection here, the stealth gameplay is incredible, and ive never had so much fun managing mother base. the optional online FOB missions are a great addition too. i know part of the story had to be rushed and a lot of it ended up being cut, which definitely made some parts feel awkwardly paced, but i still thought it was a lot of fun. the ending is great especially, and there's a main mission after the story ends that i liked a lot too. i also really enjoyed the dramatic cinematography during cutscenes, with every cutscene being similar to a handheld shot which makes this game's visuals stand out a lot.

a beautiful story about self-improvement told in a very short and simple way. i love this game.

a short and rather chilling experience with some replayability. my only issue was that the sound design was a little rough, with a really loud soundtrack that would play during some key moments and really ruin the atmosphere for me.

a beautiful game with a very distinct visual style and an emotional story.