One of the most overrated "games" i've ever played. I think the level design is extremely poor; combat sections don't complement the pacing of the story very well, and really take away from the game's immersion. I don't want to walk into an environment and be able to tell that I'm going to be fighting here--being able to easily predict what the purpose of each level is completely weakens the incredible narrative that very much wants to keep the drama high. The exploration & puzzle parts of the game were my favorite, but even those were tough to play through due to the sluggish animations and movement, as well as exploration not being rewarded enough. The weakest gameplay mechanic was definitely its stealth system, and it becomes so glaring since stealth seems to be frequently incentivized.

This game is saved by it's enthralling narrative that unravels. The dynamic between Ellie and Joel has so much nuance for a video game that I really appreciate; the main actors did such a fantastic performance and they really brought this game to life. The environmental design is also gorgeous and extremely impressive considering the game's runtime and how many different areas there were. The score was also incredible.

Overall, great story, terrible game. It's unfortunate that I haven't seen much criticism about the gameplay loop of this game, as I don't feel like it complements the narrative at all. Excited to watch the show!


I don't think my life will improve in any way if i decide to finish the rest of this game!

Made me love video games again

One of the most creative Nintendo games ever, and by far best 2D Mario I've ever played

not a very good game, if my dear friend that recommended me this game sees this just know I am so so sorry :(

From a game design perspective, the auto-clicker gameplay is one of the weakest I've ever played from a balance and pacing perspective. The writing cosplays as something a lot more intelligent than it really is, and it's kind of egregious... I like the endings this game has and I like big number go up, I like the clicking gameplay (where you need to time it for maximum EGO) and the main song is really good!

I would love to see a full version of this with fleshed out level design, because this was pretty fun~ Depth perception was a bit hard

if u think this story isn't for u i promise just wait it out until ch5