Holy fuck, dude. Not exactly sure how to comprehend this into words, but this was definitely an astonishing experience.

The first hour instantly hooked me, straight into the action and such a darker feeling in contrast to God of War (2018) that I loved tonally. Afterwards, it started to lose me a bit, but the pay-off was enough to make me want to jump back into this game daily. I would compare it's build-up to the likes of Metal Gear Solid 2 in certain respects as things are presented the way they do not seem to be for most of the story until the climax that presents huge twists piecing details together.

What I loved was the questions the story posed... is Odin right? Can the prophecy be adverted? These sort of things that played in the back of my mind through most of the game made for an interesting experience narratively, not exactly something I see in too many games elsewhere to such an extent as this. You are built up to absolute hate Odin, yet when you first see him... he seems like a pretty likable guy, but always in the back of your mind is the knowledge that he's an evil bastard, yet as we progress the game constantly makes you question whether these accusations hold any truth to them. It's such a cool dynamic and I love that in stories such as this.

I would say in the realm of boss fights, Ragnarok upped its predecessor. Everyone talks about the Thor fight, which was badass in it's own respect, but there were so many other great fights too that deserve recognition (Garm, Heimdall, Odin) and gameplay wise, it is so much more refined, though I abused the spear a fuckton during the last 10 hours of the game.

Personally, this is my Game of the Year for 2022, which goes without saying, I think it's practically a given at this point. I don't want this to be the end of the series, because I would like so much more to see the rest of Atreus' and Kratos' stories, though I doubt we'll be seeing anything anytime soon, so I think for now a lot of extra time will be spent on side quests.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2022

1 Comment

Odin is such a master manipulator that he probably plays us more effectively than he does the characters in game, I love it.