the PS5 version is buggy, maybe I'll change to the other platform.

Too late to have the chance to experience the PS5 controller feature. Same as PSVR, I don't have much to say about this game. Maybe I don't have enough affection for the PlayStation family, lol

Being thankful that I always have clean water by my side after finished this game.

這遊戲也太爛了吧= =
模仿 DnD 骰子系統卻模仿得很雞肋、經濟系統太簡化、

SIGONO 你做得好 下次請繼續嗚嗚嗚

Okay it makes more sense, but I still won't say that this game is a must-play.

Played with my younger brother. Since we are both heavy players, we feel that some of the gameplay is so easy that we can't feel playable. We don't even have to discuss lol

Oh, we first learned how to play chess for the first time. It is sure the game we can learn once we actually play it.

Only played the second game with my younger brother. Hate the moving tables, lava, and the fire balloon sooo much.

I want to love the 2.0 content, but I can't. The language barrier struggles me when comprehending the story, so I am not satisfied with the MSQ. It's hard to communicate with each other using only controllers, and I didn't know how to use Marco easily, so I bother myself when co-op with others.

The dragonsong war MSQ is very touching, even though I was unfamiliar with reading the story in English then.