Linelith 2022

Log Status






Time Played

0h 53m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 17, 2024

Platforms Played


"Linelith" offers a refreshing and concise gaming experience, drawing inspiration from the acclaimed puzzle game, "The Witness." However, while it successfully captures the essence of its predecessor, it falls short in providing a significant challenge. Even the most difficult puzzles are easily solved within minutes, leaving players craving more depth and complexity.

The game introduces a compelling twist, also reminiscent of "The Witness", but fails to fully capitalize on its potential. Once players grasp the concept, the puzzles become less about solving intricate challenges and more about simply identifying blocks with textures to indicate unsolved puzzles. This shift diminishes the puzzle-solving experience, transforming it into a somewhat mundane task of observation rather than genuine mental stimulation.

In essence, while "LineLith" offers a refreshing take on the puzzle genre and implements an intriguing twist, it ultimately lacks the depth and challenge needed to elevate it beyond a mere imitation of its inspiration. With more exploration of its unique mechanics, it could have been a standout title in its own right.