5 reviews liked by sleepyboi90

I played this game a ton when I was a kid. I very fondly remember watching my older brothers play this.
As a grown adult now, who is arguably a better gamer. Not much of this game hits like it used to. It feels that the more I progress in the game, the worse it gets. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles levels are pretty alright, but god, the rest of the characters have a lot of problems. Movement gets worse. More frequent bugs and glitches. It just doesn't feel as polished as the rest of the game.
The final boss is amazing though.
And great music.

Such an improvement from SA1. I don't really know how to explain it, but this game just has COOL VIBES. Movement in this game feels so good, and I while ran into a few bugs/glitches, they weren't frequent enough to take away from the experience.
Story and characters are sick (especially shadow), has one of my favorite soundtracks of all time, and the final act somehow manages to top the first game's.
Easily the best part of this game is the Chao Garden. Its such a unique section of this game and I found myself spending more time focusing on raising my chaos than playing the main campaign; its addicting.

Yes I did watch that Tim Rogers video what are you gonna do about it

Junpei crit master not even a god can withstand it

I want to pick up Kino and punt him like a fucking football.

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