idk it's cute, i don't exactly know what to say because it's kinda shit but i'll take anything with the clock tower licence attached to it

it's alright, i mean i mostly just like the art style

played at a friend's house but we didn't get very far because i suck

ok i'm editing my review because i do have stuff to say

from an outside perspective looking in i initially thought the game looked quite goofy and stupid but a good time overall. like one of those 'so bad it's good' games, but i was so pleasantly surprised, it was definitely worth my time.

the universe and characters are quite silly but i found myself getting very immersed and attached to them. there's a lot of interesting story in this game, once everything comes together it tells quite a sad coming of age story with a lot of family drama.

of course, it is very theatrical and has some very funny moments, but i felt that those didn't take from the horror, because believe me this game definitely has a lot of good scares. the gameplay may be a little clunky but the chase sequences can be very stress inducing especially with the chase theme for the first 2 stalkers being very loud and abrupt.

best way to summarise this game for me would be if disney made a disney princess survival horror game where you play as a young princess being trapped in the past with stalkers based on real life serial killers. it's super theatrical with a lot of fun colourful characters and very over the top cutscenes and acting, but under all that is a very relatable and grounded story about societal expectations for little girls and generational trauma.

i love this game so much it's still legitimately scary to this day if you ignore how silly the voice acting is

watched a playthrough of this and it's the most gross, shallow, and immature shit i've ever seen

i will finish pocket mirror it's just very difficult and long

i really wanna finish it but it's such a long vn and it was really struggling with it